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Go see a chyropracter. They should give you a list of exercises for it. I have a bad back cause one leg is shorter than the other by about a quarter of an inch.

When you go to the chyropracter and they adjust your back...wow you get so high! But I guarantee the next day you will be on painkillers!

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I joined the crew team last spring and that certainly fixed up all my back problems. Now, I had had a poor recovery from a broken clavicle and just natural bad posture, so being that you blew out your back it's probably best to see a doctor(physical therapist?) before listening to any of us, but all those exercises(basic weightroom and cardio stuff) straightened out my posture and took away the pains I'd have from 'sleeping wrong', 'sitting wrong' 'being cold out', etc. Hell, it's an excuse to work out anyway.


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Painkillers are rather weak since I've been using them for the last 5-6 months on my already in pain back. I ended up lifting and twisting just slightly enough to cause my back to spasm from time to time and finally about 4 months ago to just cause constant pain. Been using pain reliever on and off to help it and now that my back finally went out just last week they don't really help it out all that much.

The first day I couldn't walk and the chiropractor opened up on Saturday just to see me. I ended up walking out after the visit, although farely slowly and in a ton of pain. Monday morning I went back in and I was able to actually sit after that visit, which was good. Tuesday morning I went back in and came out of it in even more pain than before. My right leg from the knee down is in a constant state of half sleep anymore. Thursday afternoon I go back in and come out of it and I'm able to actually walk standing up straight for the first time in nearly a week. Now I got another appointment Monday morning again to see whether or not the stretches I was given loosened the muscles in my back enough to at least have full mobility of my legs again or whether or not it's gonna be a while longer.

What gets me the most was this was my last week of training before I went into my PIC training and then all I'd have had was another year before I went into my management training. And no, I don't get 'high' after they try and adjust my back. I try to walk the way I was 7 months ago before I twisted slightly the first time, and at the least walk like I was just over a week ago before I threw it out after lifting that little 50lb thing. What's most annoying about that was that the 150lb stuff wasn't even bothering it.

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Well, I might be back to work in less than 5 days, so I'm hoping that'll come true. Went from not being able to walk nor stand for more than 30 seconds the first day (and it was VERY painful) to now being able to walk almost perfectly normal today. Still feel pain in my hips and calves and small doses in my back though. I can actually feel my right calve whereas before it was numb all the way down.

I think people are still surprised I have my job still, as most people would've lost theirs if something like this happened. So I'm shooting at 5 days max, and I'll be gone again for a long time hopefully (willing that they keep keeping me at work for 40 hours a week).

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Been going to the chiropractor since the accident. And the thing with my back is, my muscles are too tight to even do anything at the gym. I was told to take some magnesium because it helps loosen muscles. And I'm the Furniture guy at work, so I get a pretty good workout doing that. I just have to lay off any heavy lifting for a couple more weeks so that my back can finish straightening up and heal more properly.

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