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Tribunals and Complaining


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You know, for all the complaining people do about the tribunals, I've noticed a few things.

(1) Generally speaking, most Tribunals get inducted, get the tar beaten out of them and then don't log on anymore. Just check their roll call. Recognize half those names?

1 . Morgwean 109 - Active

2 . Tenrinal 31 - Active

3 . Jahimees 31 - Inactive

4 . Gralt 25 - Mildly active... at BEST.

5 . Gaerak 4 - Mildly active, more than Gralt.

6 . Fedruine 1 - Fedrui who? 1 capture and bye bye.

7 . Savitol 1 - Hops on every so often now.

8 . Kohavai 0 - I saw him a few times.

(2) Most Tribunals last roughly a month before they delete, if that.

Now... of all the names listed, and whatnot... if they were uber powered and all that good stuff, excluding Morgwean and Tenrinal (the two actives) wouldn't they have more than 62 captures between ALL of them?

There was a vicious combo not long ago, that has been lain to rest, and now... well... here we are.

On a side note folks, if you are going the way of the Blues seen above, leave your cabal. Don't take up space. That means you, Greenies. And I don't mean only Tribunal. Any cabal.

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Well from what I've noticed from most tribunals is that most of them don't even belong in a cabal yet. It seems the imm just inducts anyone to try to keep the cabal on top.

What you posted makes no sense. If they "don't belong in a cabal", which I assume means they aren't "good enough" or "lack skills", how do they stay on top again? :confused:

Again, refer a couple posts up where Malchaeius quoted a line about outrageous conclusions based upon zero fact. You don't know anything about the cabal induction process for Tribunal. Leave it at that instead of basically calling Prax out. People actually want to be in Tribunal. That's why it's full/nearly full most of the time.

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Well from what I've noticed from most tribunals is that most of them don't even belong in a cabal yet. It seems the imm just inducts anyone to try to keep the cabal on top.

This is absolutely ridiculous. There have been complaints that the cabal system caters to the elite, which causes the same players to join the cabals over and over again and again and prevents new players from enjoying cabal life/warfare. But when I induct rookies into Tribunal, you say that it's just "to keep the cabal on top." Every single player behind those Tribunes on savnt's list worked to have a character in Tribunal.

Of all the reasons why I spend time and effort to make Forsaken Lands more enjoyable for the playerbase, you are not one of them tassinvegeta.

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Whats the point of this post. Not sure if you realise but the Tribunal cabal has an imm that imm is responisble for inducting and putting pressure on awol members, so instead of worrying about something that does not concern you focus on your own character. Im sure most players if they feel they are going no where with a character will delete and not take up a place, its not long ago when tribunal only had three members so perhaps allow them the pleasure of some numbers.

Im sorry if this sounds narky but I get wound up with people moaning about the time people spend on their characters, hell even messalantha has been spoken of for not putting enough time in, and she must be the longest running character ever. There are restrictions put in place to make people commit to their characters if these are not met then rares or cabal status is taken from them. I just think this post is rather disrespectful of the members of tribunal. Have you checked every other cabal attendance record by any chance? perhaps they too are not meeting your standards? perhaps savnt you should change your name to sun cause you obviously think the world and this game revolves around you and your observations.

I myself havent had as much time of late because the spare time i do have has been taken up by the greatest sporting event in the World. The World Cup.

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I agree with you in part, Sirax, but savnt, I'm sorry to say, is making a valid point. The main thrust of his post, at least the way I read it, is pointing a finger at the silliness of the "Tribunal-haters" who claimed we made this cabal far too overpowering and were killing the game with it. I can think of three distinct instances of RP that have boiled over from the Tribunal cabal and spilled into the rest of the world for everyone's enjoyment. They are not dominating. I and others pointed this out at the time that two members were racking up all the captures during that whole posting hysteria, not the whole cabal.

And as to savnt's side note, cabal auto-ejection takes care of those who don't commit enough time and aren't active. Those who aren't ejected based on lack of hours, I'm fully satisfied that the cabal IMMs are dealing with them based on their own discretion.

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Yeah I can see that point where Tribunals are far from overpowered and in the case of savnt putting that across he has a valid point, just dont think he had to flame bait/focus on the lackings of some peoples characters. It would be wrong of me to put up the head count of syndicate for all to see and nit pick at who I think isnt pulling their weight. A cabal is for everyones enjoyment not just the elite so if someone is struggling some what no need to jump on his/hers back.

I agree its not good when you have someone eager to try their luck at the cabal and a spot is being taken by someone who is not active. If people think tribunal are overpowered then why dont they make one and get their own answers, Im sure that their search for the ultimate pking machine will end at Tribunals door steps, either by the reaslism that Tribunal is not the power house they had high hopes it was and by the sheer moaning that comes the tribunals way. Tribunal is an eye opener and a role for a resposible player with some experience behind him/her that said its also a good way to learn.

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Another classic example of a lose-lose situation for the IMMs.

Give newer players shots at being caballed = "What are the IMMs thinking? Those guys dont stand a chance!"

Induct selectively = "This sucks. More people should get a shot at being caballed."

Give newer a newer player a coveted cabal spot -> Player spontaneously deletes, or stops showing up because they are not ready

Induct selectively -> Player complains that he is oh so active and should be a member of the cabal.

Honestly people. You claim that we do not listen to the players. That is a lie. We listen to you all, but we do not respond to everything because too often you guys are either contradicting yourselves, or it is very evident that you do not know what you want. Prax does an excellent job with induction. There is nothing wrong with Tribunal.

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Perhaps Chayesh is the only one to grab the point from my colorful post. The primary one anyways.

My intention isn't flaming the ones not carrying the weight by posting their roll call (which is viewable by ALL other players). It is intended to show, for all the complaining of this that and the other thing, the cold hard facts. Undeniable delicious facts. This cabal, for the last... how many weeks/months... took how many lives... between how many people.

Not too many actually.

That tells me, ipso facto, they are well balanced at this point.

In regards the the squatters comment... I had forgotten about the auto ejection dealy deal. However, I've had more than five people IM me to try to find out what the minimum is hours wise before, so they can hold the place without being on for too long. I don't know if I like that or not.

I am just normally one for sticking it out and stuff, or just leaving in a blaze of glory. Not lingering like Old Yeller until auto ejection takes you out back and shoots you. I suppose that is only my opinion.

Feel free to attack either.

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The only point i have against Tribunal is the [edited] they have.


And because the charmie will auto attack the tribunal has an extreme upper hand in chasing you, making it hard to stay at bay.

Curse does not works that way.

Telelock does not works that way.

It overpowering.

And then add the lack of respect of their blanket warrants and you have problems even for people who behave lawfully.

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Uh, Mya, qclass skill. And this is a cabal, not some common class skill either. Also, would everyone stop talking about the tribunal guard? It is cabal info. Pray about it. Also, here is another example of:

And because the charmie will auto attack the tribunal has an extreme upper hand in chasing you, making it hard to stay at bay.

One sentance that sends part of the pbase on that path of ignorance and prayer foruming about unfairness ;)

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Mya, please make a Tribune and prove to everyone that the ability you are talking about is overpowered. Or if you don't have the time, make a list of Tribunes who have used this ability to rack up an astronomical PK/number-of-criminal-arrests record.

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I think personally that if you think the Tribunals are overpowered then don't get wanted, theres tons of areas you can attack people that isn't a city. The law should be feared like in real life and if you wanna break it then you better be sure that you have a lot of skill to back it up, not saying i have that skill right now, so thats why I don't break the law when a Tribunal is present.

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I think personally that if you think the Tribunals are overpowered then don't get wanted' date=' theres tons of areas you can attack people that isn't a city. The law should be feared like in real life and if you wanna break it then you better be sure that you have a lot of skill to back it up, not saying i have that skill right now, so thats why I don't break the law when a Tribunal is present.[/quote']

I don't think the Tribunal are overpowered at all, but, Watcher/Syndi will be auto-outlawed anyway, it's not an option for them to avoid it. Not that they'd need to, because IMO, they're not overpowered. :D


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Wow, so much negative reaction to what I said. But what I said is the truth most of their pk skill and rp lvl is alot lower than members of other cabals, I've known, fought and talked to many of them in-game and it really shows. And it seems everytime I log on their is another new Tribunal. What other cabal is like this? Sorry if I upset anyone but I cannot understand for the life of me how people can't see this. Though I do apologize for saying that the imm does this to to keep this cabal on top, I actually have no idea why. Maybe its something he wants to do maybe he does wanna give newer players a chance at getting cabaled. So what? I don't mind this, though its funny how I mentioned what I see, and think is supposed to be the norm (ie. above average players getting rewarded with cabal positions) yet inacted so much negative reaction.

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What you posted makes no sense. If they "don't belong in a cabal", which I assume means they aren't "good enough" or "lack skills", how do they stay on top again? :confused:

I said try to stay on top. And a big reason why they aren't dead are because of massive numbers combined with very powerful skills.

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