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Tribunals and Complaining


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Seems to me Trib is a perfect starting cabal. I mean, you've got the hardcore awesome players, and then the decent but not exceptional ones who have mainly experience outside cabals (I.E., me), but perhaps plenty of that. You're practically forced immediately into playing with the big boys, and just from outside observation, it's always seemed to me that the Tribs are the closest knit of the cabals. You know, us against the world kinda thing.

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Wow' date=' so much negative reaction to what I said...its funny how I mentioned what I see, and think is supposed to be the norm (ie. above average players getting rewarded with cabal positions) yet inacted so much negative reaction.[/quote']

There has been such a negative reaction to your post because you insinuated that not only am I handing out freebies to whoever wants to join Tribunal, but that "most" of the Tribunes are not worthy of their position. Your latest post in this thread repeats the same gibberish. The only reason players behind current Tribunes have not been replying and shutting you down is because this thread is not anonymous and they have no reason to give you a shout out. So I will defend them.

If you actually read my first post in this thread, or even Malchaeius' post, you would have realized that giving rookies the chance to try out cabal life is exactly what I have in mind. "Rookie" does not mean "below-average"; ALL the characters in Tribunal, newbie or veteran, are played by above-average players. They want to learn how to play. They are willing to try something new. They try to follow the rules. They listen to what the Imms tell them. They took the time and effort to run through my induction process. Most importantly, they do their best to enforce Tribunal's laws.

And enforcing laws is where the difference between Tribunal and other cabals lies, tassinvegeta. No other cabal in FL has a similar responsibility. Do you have any idea how complicated those laws are? Martineius had a field day with writing them. Have you any idea how difficult it is to apply the laws correctly? One wrong move will net a Tribune Prax's wrath. Have you experienced the annoyance of having a criminal, who has never read the laws despite having been repeatedly told to, constantly using borderline OOC comments to whine about "mistreatment?" It's tough having to listen to b.s. over and over again and again.

Most Tribunes lack roleplay skills? That's rubbish. Short of going out of character, no Tribune can lack in the roleplay department because the laws are so specific that it defines what their character can do, cannot do, should do, and should not do. Their character's very existence and future are defined for them. At the same time, there is still a lot of room for individual ideas.

Most Tribunes lack PK skills? So what? As long as they can apply the laws well, I'm happy, other Immortals are happy, and players are happy. This does not mean PK skills do not matter; being able to arrest criminals becomes very important later on.

Tribunal is not like other cabals, tassinvegeta, which is why I will not run it like how other Immortals run their cabals. Tribunal's main objective is to apply laws and apply them fairly, thus defining how its members are chosen. I suggest that you roll a character to join Tribunal before continuing this nonsense.

Players behind Tribunes: I've done my best. If tassinvegeta wants to keep calling you unworthy of your status in FL, that's his problem, not yours. You know you earned your spot. Keep it up.

Seems to me Trib is a perfect starting cabal. I mean' date=' you've got the hardcore awesome players, and then the decent but not exceptional ones who have mainly experience outside cabals (I.E., me), but perhaps plenty of that. You're practically forced immediately into playing with the big boys, and just from outside observation, it's always seemed to me that the Tribs are the closest knit of the cabals. You know, us against the world kinda thing.[/quote']

Exactly Fiere, exactly, although it is also true that veteran players can have just as much fun in Tribunal as in other cabals.

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Tassin, it's funny to me that you were one of the most vocal people opposing an "unbeatable combination that was overpowered" in Martineius. Well, as we all found out publicly, Martineius was played by a top echelon player in Despiser. Well, wasn't he well received.

Now, the gripe is that none of the Tribunals are played by top players, or at least, dominant ones? Of course, you have no way outside of OOC connections and people willing to tell you if any top players are playing them now, but I ask this: After the way Martineius was treated by certain members of this community, why the hell would anyone want that treatment?

Yet in spite of all of that, it remains one of the most popular and thus, populated, cabals.

Tribunal is doing just fine and so is Prax. Save your snarky comments about them for someone who isn't tired of hearing them, if you can find someone that is.

Yes, that's harsh, but I'll be damned if its not earned.

*holsters his sidearm*

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I have to agree with Wathok and the other IMMs, trib is not overpowered. When I made a mistake of the laws and capture I got some sort of punishment. Either getting hellstreamed by Prax and losing my weapon, or getting chewed out by Martinieus. It is not an easy cabal, not only do you have to enofore the law and abide by it you have to capture criminals. That really sucks if it is only you on and like 3 wanteds and a cabal enemy on the same time. I was killed many time when I was attempted to capture someone and then another came and killed me. And because of Tribunal I learned a good amount of pk. WATHOK does a great job of Tribunal and if anyone thinks otherwise make and see how it feels.

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First I'd like to say, as to that message you quoted Malchaeius, about not reading the middle, "Hmm. Seemed to have skipped the sentence in the middle. So sorry." was not a complaint. It was an argument against someone I thought was posting what the Tribune skills were, and me knowing what they are (being that I WAS Pominsu..) I was defending it, and was obviously wrong, and was generous enough to say sorry. Aside from that...

People may say Martineius was overpowered, or Pominsu was overpowered, and that Tribunal SKILLS in general were overpowered, claiming that Tribunal Guards attack automatically when criminals walk in.. All of that is a bunch of horse****.

Playing Pominsu, I had to use my own Necromancer skills to take down my enemies MOST of the time. Sure, it was nice to have a skill to have me not take the hits for a round or two, but you know what? Most of the smarter players re-aimed at me, and beat the hell out of me. I had fun, and I got my *** kicked. I got a good 300+ kills/executions, and it was freakin fun. But I died 61 times to a lot of gangs, and I died several times to very elite players who I gave props to when I condied. But those that bitch and moan and groan about the Tribunals now? What the hell? How are they doing better then the whole Martineius / Pominsu combo? Since when are the Tribunal skills, (which HALF of you have no idea what they do, when you can use them, and what RESTRICTIONS we have on them) so OVERPOWERED? I don't understand a lot of you.

I give props to every damn single Tribunal who has stuck it through and had their asses kicked, and in return kicked ***, then got ****-talked on the forums about it, and took it like true players. Tassinvegeta, who are you to say who should be allowed in cabals or not? Want to know what I truly thought of Amaedus? (though you improved drastically, props.) I won't say it because I respect the fact that you played a Cabal char and played with the big guys.

A lot of your posts are extremely bias to your last character, as well. How the hell can you say most of the things you said when most of what your char was/did reflects exactly what you despise? Do us all a favor, and suck it up. Play another char, join Tribunal for christ sakes. EVERYONE join Tribunal. Have fun getting your *** kicked. Then tell me they're all newbs and shouldn't be in a cabal. Geez.



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no' date=' just urbanizing your name. with the advent of that hippity hopps music, I would imagine we all need to be on our toes to be cool.[/quote']

Mkay. Thought you were going to slash @ me at the most opportune moment about some past crap. I'm glad I was wrong.

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I don't have time ATM to read replies, so this is PURELY a response to the original post.

Tribunal has a lot of newbish players. I am still trying to figure out why. I am all for cabals inducting people even if they aren't that good at Pk, but most of them seem to be going into tribunal...

Edit: Jamez isn't a huge slash at you, I think its more a gentle poke :P

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Well you have every right to defend your precious tribunals Wathok. Though I think you take my words far too harshly, but what can I say, this is a forum. Just keep in mind that this is what I see going on in the game and have had questions about it. And malchaeius I don't remember being very big on the Martineius thing except for during that deletion post. I know of alot more people who posted far more negative things in all those overpowered posts about tribunals. I don't even remember saying he was overpowered, though I did complain about alot of the judgements he made and things he did in game to keep people down.

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Like what? Exiling his enemies and continually capturing them? Kind of like what Amaedus did, except he just continually bashed them while they tried to re-equip? I fail to see your point in how any of his decisions/judgements were bad to keep people down. You did the same thing, just in a different way.

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Tribunal has a lot of newbish players. I am still trying to figure out why. I am all for cabals inducting people even if they aren't that good at Pk, but most of them seem to be going into tribunal...

Again, posts made with zero facts. You don't know who plays the Tribunals so you have no idea whether they are new players or not.

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Maybe I missed it but when I played Alexia in Trib he did exile but usually he had a reason by it, with our current Dictator(sp) if you spit on the ground be prepared for exile. Heck you get wanted for saying one comment against the Tribs. So I dont think he did anything wrong and yes I agree with Acerbity Amaedus did it in a different way.

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Honestly, Martinieus was way-way-way more lineant that Morgwean (not a flame or anything.) I remember when Martineius came out with that thing about no notes to people inciting rebellion, ect. But you could still have peaceful protests... heh I come along with Haroen, send a note for petitions and protests and BAM imprisioned and executed. Also Tribunals are not overpowered at, try playing one.

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First I'd like to say, as to that message you quoted Malchaeius, about not reading the middle, "Hmm. Seemed to have skipped the sentence in the middle. So sorry." was not a complaint. It was an argument against someone I thought was posting what the Tribune skills were, and me knowing what they are (being that I WAS Pominsu..) I was defending it, and was obviously wrong, and was generous enough to say sorry. Aside from that...

Right. Admitting you are wrong is a sign of generousity. /sarcasm. Anyway, if you read my post, you will realize that your post was only a set-up piece for Iyorvin's funny response. So quoting you was not a very important aspect of why I posted that quote. Maybe I should have just posted Iyorvin's piece. Sorry if you took it the wrong way.

And malchaeius I don't remember being very big on the Martineius thing except for during that deletion post.

What are you talking about?

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