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7 hours ago, Erelei said:

@Magick is correct here. When a member is restricted (for whatever reason) they lose a good bit of 'access' and abilities. One of them being they can't receive reputation.

While I understand the idea behind different groups having different "abilities", I don't udnerstand the logic behind having any group be "unlikable".

Like, UC and Kami post crap 90% of the time, but they have their moments now and then. Liking their posts is our way to show them how to properly behave, and post constructively.

Noone gains anything from their posts being unlikable.

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  • Implementor

I see where you’re coming from. But I disagree. We don’t make the decision lightly, and it happens before we decide to permanently ban someone for whatever the reason may be. If they continue to post constructively and we don’t have to worry about their post content anymore, they will get the privilege of reputation back. 

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  • Implementor

UC. You posted two very very idiotic logs of you breaking our rules and then wanting sympathy for it. We've told you to stop the first time, you've decided to go on and repeat it. It was restricted or banned. I can change you to banned if you prefer. Or you can stop the bs now.

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