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Armor class


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Many will just say, "Figure it out in game." Though, I'll give you a hint. AC affects how much someone misses/hits you, (or so I've been told), and as said by Behrens, TONS of other things. Low AC can be good sometimes, but you'd better raise your AC when a call-lightning happy invoker comes around.

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I can say with absolute certainty... that I got a concussion from trying to understand that equation.

AC is better when it is lower, people miss you more and other great things. AC that is really low is bad against vokers because you get electrocuted on the nasty by call lightning (which should be the case for all lightning spells cause everyone walks around in a metal exoskeletons which nullifies and outside chance you have of being grounded by boots or whatever.)

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I think some clerics forgot his santuary and gimped his saves. :P

And i would not be messing with AC againt for call lightning as rangers get it and you need the AC to protect from his pets attacks.

Also i do not see anyone telling on the forums how de AC damage reduction works.

Only thing people will say is that if you gimp your Hitroll you start to miss on mobs, they dont even need to defend.

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And i would not be messing with AC againt for call lightning as rangers get it and you need the AC to protect from his pets attacks.

Yes Mya, I'm using your post. It was the first I grabbed for this occasion, with good reference to which I speak.

There is a way you can nullify or reduce the effects of call lightning and still keep moderate hit/dam/saves/ac. Look around.

Now it is possible that it might have changed since I tested it, but I doubt it.

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For those of you who play D&D, you'll get a reasonable approximation of what it does if you divide it by an integer (I'll let you experiment) and convert it into 2nd edition rules AC.

It's close if you do that. Hardly perfect, as there have been some adjustments, but you'll get the idea.

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Now that is mean, i once looked at the D&D sec edition thing for AC (i think if memory does not fails me) and i did understand 0 of it.

Then i looked at Stock Merc code and got lost in thac0 and thac32.

Still cannot see why anyone uses tcha?? .

That is so mean... :D

So can we throw values at this ? Because i have this rule of thumb i use that no where near acurate but does the job, as Pi = 3,14 in circles.

Or R= 0.082 witch fluctuates depending on Temperature and the Gas properties, for PV=nRT gas caculations. Better than calculating Z from Critical pressure and temperature data.

So im rambling...

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