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Fun character but without a lot of playtime and splitting it into two characters, I was taking steps back vs taking steps forward.  Got demoted in the cabal, decided that was a sign.  


Lots of fun interactions, Agmeel our fights were so brutal and so infuriating at times, but I enjoyed it all.  

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It's difficult to play multiple characters when you're limited in how often you can play. Especially in your case. How you found the time to play at all is baffling sometimes, but at least you're going with the best one of the two. I go through phases myself, but I've found that playing 1 character will burn me out quickly where as playing multiple characters keeps my imagination going and lets me focus on very different aspects of the game with each one.

I actually really like both Savant and Watcher for Cabals. Mainly because they're the only two that offer players the ability to try out combos you may have spent hundreds of hours on just to attempt to find something you really enjoyed. Being promoted quickly plays heavily into that concept as well, but the downside is also that it means people will give up more quickly knowing this too. The opportunities given within could have been rectified easily enough by contributions, but that isn't always going to be the case, especially when you don't have time on your hands to do so. I do look forward to seeing how your character does evolve though as they're entertaining in varying ways.

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