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Help with help files


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Update help files on Qclass skills/spells to reflect any changes that were made to them since changes made to them are done so without ever updating them. This means people who play them down the road will think that certain spells or skills do something it no longer does because of it. If you want I can PM you some if that's what you're going to also be adding to them.

Shield of thorns for instance doesn't reflect what it does anymore. It only does any damage if a lagging skill is used against a Druid where the old way was a bit different. No update to the file ever.

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I think help rp points is a big offender from what I've heard. 

Some things being unavailable etc. Maybe even have some prices changed if certain options aren't popular. 

Help race and help class are quite out of date too, I can't be the only one who uses those pages quite a bit. 

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You're definitely the only one. When race help files got expanded, I didn't bother reading them because they're longer than most of my posts. Help RP should probably elaborate on examples of World RP Plots on what would be possible. It always seems that when I have posted something in Prayer it's never commented on which makes me suspect that a World Plot may be something far less grand than I thought it was.

As an example, I never realized until probably the last 8 months or so that you could send notes about in RP terms without actually using points all the while gaining them for writing those very notes. I probably would've wrote more on previous characters had I realized it.

Also, we really need a "Help showrp" and have it a permanent facet to the MOTD so new and older players returning can realize it. Viruthx accidentally sent me a projected tell with showrp and I was baffled at what he was trying to say when it happened. Then I typed it and found out it was an actual command. Also "corpselook" would be good to pin on there as well.

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The commands list exists, Tant.


You have been KILLED!!

As the cold chill of death descends upon you Volgathras grants you yet another chance.
You have been granted a temporary sanctuary as an invincible ghost.
As long as you don't attack anything.
Use <corpselook> to help you find where you fell.


Volgathras has judged your look worthy and grants you a blessing.
You permanently gain some hitpoints, mana, movement and one rp point!
Use <showrp> to see your list of rewards.
You have been enlighted with 2000 experience!
A messenger hands you a scroll marked "note"

[ 19] Hermes: an Immortal has approved your Description check.
Tue Feb 22 22:22:22 2022
To: Magick
Your application has been approved.
Use <showrp> to see your list of rewards.


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I can count on one hand how many times I've actually used "commands" to pull up a list of usable ones if that's what you were pointing out. Though those messages may work better since it would be more constant in shining out towards someone on their screen depending on the color used too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

These are my suggestions for an updated 'help rp':

  • Move the section regarding rp points to a new helpfile (help 'rp points'). Help rp is a bit unwieldy at the moment.
  • Remove the following line: * Restrung item, set with an owner and one color = Minimum 80rp
  • Add a link to the forum post about building your own custom owner item.
  • Add references to other custom roleplay perks (help 'custom warcry' and 'help transform')


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Journal is a bit confusing. You bring it up and you only see references for note. Also don't think you can copy to or from journals like you can notes.

Death Kiss: The part about bypassing poison should probably be added.

Shadow arts: The part about a stronger nerve pinch should probably be added.

Doublesheath: should probably be separated and include the two handed part for ninjas.

Lotus Scourge: The part about special poison on there shurikens.

Fury: Should be formatted.

Half-Drow: Aren't in the race helpfiles yet.

Gaia's Defense: Really wish this was more descriptive of its ability.



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5 hours ago, Fireman said:

So.. a Staff member asks for help to fix this issue and this is your response...?

I was replying to the previous post.

Besides, it was a post written in a joking, not-so-serious manner.

That being said, I don't see you contributing much either, even though you've suffered first hand from the issue, mr, Tribunal Leader.

The biggest issue I had with help files was perks. I've fought hard to get those changed. Luckily for us, Jibber made the wiki.

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5 hours ago, tassinvegeta said:

Half-Drow: Aren't in the race helpfiles yet.

Gaia's Defense: Really wish this was more descriptive of its ability.

Half-Drow is in the help files and has been for a little while now. Help half-drow will pull it up.

Are you referring to the Watcher skill in the second one?  It's supposed to be like a poor mans blur in a forested area, but you can't be too sure since it doesn't have an output word to describe that it fired at all. Perhaps some clarification on it would be nice along with maybe a look into the code for it to see if it's even actually doing anything at all. The only thing I've really noticed about it is that you're hit less often sometimes like a missing attack that was blocked by your opponent, but that is something I'd have to test out down the road to see if it does indeed do that.

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Help Invoker - Typos Fixed
Help Fury - Formatted
Help Holy Armor - Sigil can now read the helpfile rather than Praetorian
Help Races - Added Half-Drow, Edited racial stat changes

Right now guys I am just trying to update/fix helpfiles with missing information, wrong information, or typos. I am not currently working on fixing vague or misleading helpfiles as that requires going through the vetting process and will take more time. You can still post them here and I will note them but that will come later. Thank you everyone for the help.

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So 'help journal' does note confuse me because there is a line in there:

(replace "note" with "change", "application", "news" etc. as needed)

I will say that it falls under "reading notes/changes/news:" so maybe it needs to be moved to a more generic location and spelled out more?

"Replace "note" with "change", "application", "journal", etc... when reading or writing other forms of mail"

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Remove the following section from 'help noble' (there is no longer a clanhall for nobility, right?):

If you feel you are above the average citizen in every way, you should first
seek the noble clan hall, and pay the fees required to enter.  There, you
shall be groomed by others above you in becoming a noble.  The goal of the
clan hall is to provide a hub for all of Royalty and Nobility alike to
gather, and prepare those new into the noble blood.  However, it is the
decision of immortality to ascend you into the house of your choice. 

In the same helpfile: 'after-wards' should be 'afterwards', and 'gods them-self' should be 'gods themselves'.

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Also, I'd suggest a new helpfile be added:

Characters may be rewarded RP points by submitting roleplay logs to the Character Roleplay subforum under the Prayer Rooms in the forums (https://theforsakenlands.com/community/). These logs will be reviewed by the staff and RP points awarded accordingly. Other ways of earning RP points are through certain quests, interactions with immortals (either roleplay or via notes), and by submitting journal entries.


Something along these lines.

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1 hour ago, Lexi said:

Also, I'd suggest a new helpfile be added:

Characters may be rewarded RP points by submitting roleplay logs to the Character Roleplay subforum under the Prayer Rooms in the forums (https://theforsakenlands.com/community/). These logs will be reviewed by the staff and RP points awarded accordingly. Other ways of earning RP points are through certain quests, interactions with immortals (either roleplay or via notes), and by submitting journal entries.


Something along these lines.

add see also :help replay

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Help Blademaster - Typos Fixed
Help Battlemage - Typos Fixed
Help Noble - Remove Clanhall info, Typos Fixed
help Necromancer - Sentence restructure, Typos Fixed
Help Warrior - Typos Fixed
Help Dark-Knight - Typos Fixed
Help Paladin - Typos Fixed

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  • 1 month later...

It's because they're attached specifically to the class and Cabal they belong to. If you play a Berserker and use the help files they're there. Same with if you're Tribunal and have access to it. They're there, just hidden pretty much like how any other Cabal skill/spell help file is hidden to everyone but those with the flags to access them.

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I read that last line as you not knowing why it was and not really as to having it be between one or the other. Honestly I think all help files should be open up to everyone regardless of the qclass/qrace information and Cabal skills. You'd have to know precisely what help file you were looking for to have it pull up regardless and since so many people have played a majority of combos here, it only makes it more inconvenient for them to have to pull up an old log if they have one in order to read the help file for said helpful information. This would actually open up the ability to find further errors in help files too which would make having the need for secrets to finally go away almost entirely.

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