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Wood of Lost Souls

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Nice zone with exception the extremely long choke leading to the Shadow grove and to Emerald. I see this as an good advantage for drows who recall.

And those earings are not that bad. And lots of nice lowbie ranking eq.

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Not bad at all. Major breaks here and there, several little sub-areas. Perfect for a ranger to get lost in, or have a battle, much like the plains of before. All in all, good work.

And it won't help the recalling drow all that much. A little more time, that's about it. And I do mean little.

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I know there's one for sure in the underdark that at the very least doesn't help your thirst.

There is something like that somewhere, damn where's it at...there is a fountain somewhere that makes you thirstier...maybe under caranduin somewhere?

I know I've seen it...

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I like it. Fighting in the Mideni..*cough* Wood of Lost Souls is a lot better now, as it's bigger, has a water area, and has those little branched off areas too. Now I just had to adapt to the area, and forget the routes I had memorized with the Midenir.


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