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I have noticed...


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ive noticed that there are hardly ever many of opposing cabals on at the same time... like multiple nexus while multiple knight are on for example... I dunno bout you guys but i think it would be sweet if it was like that... I just wanna see one day where a bunch of every cabal was on at the same time no matter which of their enemies were on beating the living crap outta eachother.

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There was a bit of that recently, but both Knight and Nexus took a hit in their numbers, with Knight gaining some back, and the same with Watcher/Tribunal. It is ridiculously fun, to be an Outlawed Knight, online with another Outlawed Knight, with two Outlawed Nexus on, two Outlawed Watchers (who you are at war with) and then one or two Tribunal. It's just one massive free for all between all involved parties. :D

Warmaster now have seven thousand members at last count, and I don't see many Savant about. Things will pick up again I'm sure, but there are a lot of people who aren't willing to fight when things don't go there way, ie. getting full looted, logging in with 27 cabal enemies online, or something. It's definately more fun fighting with people who will fight tooth and claw in dire times. It'll all pick up again soon, but I've notied the switch between Cabal strength and increasing/decreasing numbers often comes quite slow.

What really annoys me, is that for the last couple of characters where I've tried to roll something up for an underdog Cabal, by the time I'm pinned, trained and ready to join, said Cabal has already recently recruited a load of members. :D


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*Sigh* The good old cabal wars are so much fun. Ex. Nexus warrior (m), Nexus vamp (e), Knight ranger (e), Knight bard (t), Knight battlemage (t), Tribunal something (whocares?), Watcher ranger (e), Watcher ranger (t), Watcher ranger (m), Watcher invoker (t). Yep, those were the days.

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People won't play if they know they're going to die.

I think this is more the correct answer than timezones. It's the inbetween time of cabal powers where lots of conflict occurs.

Also some people like to make something that goes on the underdog side, but it takes time to train and rank and such, and if more than two people think this way, then around the same time, those 3+ people join a side, and other sides lose 3 or so people, so the balance shifts.


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I think a lot of it is that people will log on their lowbie, look around, and then log on their stronger char. If feared people start coming, back down to the lowbie.

Yeah. People should have only one char..I bet you'd see a lot more fighting then, and people wouldn't be so wasteful with those chars. :P

Never will happen..so unpopular here.

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I'm starting to do a whole new philosophy for me. The "not deleting' philosophy. It goes like this: if I die and get full looted, or something sucky happens, I don't delete. I just quit. That way if I get the hankering to play that race/class another time, instead of training a bunch, all I have to do is go on an eq run or work off an exp hole. Hence the reason I've got like 5 pinns and a host of non pinns right now.

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You could just do what I do. Rank and Train up characters for every cabal at once' date=' and then never get around to writing an app. :P[/quote'] Or you could do like I do and roll a wonderful character with loads of promise, rank like hell until 49, and stay there for a long time until you get fed up and delete.
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