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[50 Drow Sha] <PK> [NEXUS] (Despair [L]) (Dominion [E]) Nebu Nezar the Voidsplitting Weaver of Epidemics


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| Nebu           || Archfiend of PANDEMONIUM                     |
| Str: 18(18)^6  || Level: 50 Sex: M      Age  : 878(479h)       |
| Int: 24(24)^1  || Class: shaman         Ethos: neutral         |
| Wis: 20(20)    || Race : drow           Align: evil            |
| Dex: 24(24)^4  || Hp   :  914/914       Exp  : 23185/650215    |
| Con: 16(16)^2  || Mana : 1169/1169                             |
\ Lck: [|||||-]  \/ Move :  559/560       +Hit: 17   +Dam: 14    /
|     ARMOR      ||      SAVES       || Deity : The One God      |
| Slash :  -618  || Spell      : -43 || Faith : Church           |
| Pierce:  -584  || Afflictive : -40 || Weight: 231/325          |
| Blunt :  -563  || Maledictive: -29 || Items : 32/45            |
| Magic :  -512  || Mental     : -42 || Prac  : 6     Train: 2   |
|                || Breath     : -3  || RP    : 83               |
|                ||                  || Gold  : 120K  CP: 21.2k  |
/ Condition: You are in the prime of your health.                \
| You are ready for a cabal promotion.                           |

So ends the struggle of a slave from the Underdark. To give a little insight for those who only
got to see pieces of the character, Nebu was chased from the Underdark by priestesses who had
witnessed him using magic. He did not know who was giving him his powers, or why they were doing
it for him. He learned later in life that Lloth had a plan for him all along, and that life was
supposed to be filled with hardship for any destined for greatness. He wanted to escape the
world, literally believing it to be a sandbox for the immortals to play with lesser beings for
their own amusement. In essentially being denied death repeatedly (Except Skree, thanks boss) he
resigned himself to serving Lloth who had reclaimed him with her favor. He did not seek or ask
for the life of a Nexus (I literally rolled the character with no intentions whatsoever) or any
promotions that came his way, seeing them as trivial compared to his ultimate goals. I couldn't
have asked for more from a character, though.

I felt my PK was very slow. I feel like Nexus skills give a grab bag of useful skills but since
Maze was changed the synergy for a Nexus shaman is rather average. It is not weak by any means
either. Some characters were nearly impossible to wear down, and I find I have to work a LOT
harder to survive than any character I have played before. I stopped at every precaution after
some really tough early skirmishes with Ivesianna and Keshan. My RP was not an aggressive style
of warfare, though I did get restless every so often if no one would come for my standard. Nexus
has been pretty rough for some time now so I'm glad I could at least attempt to give it some
presence in Aabahran. I'll take credit for aligning with Warmaster in my struggles. :D

Panek - You were the early lynchpin to Nebu's success as a PK character. I know you always wanted
him to be one of your hunters, but his loyalty to Lloth was just too strong. You were hella fun
to do gear runs with, especially since I didn't remember where anything was and I had no idea how
to run any of the new areas. Thanks for the title dude, lol.

Thyrius - I did almost forget you since you disappeared so recently. You were as consistent as Panek but we talked so much more. I couldn't have pushed Nexus armies forward as much as I did without you. You were also one of the few who was a friend to Nebu despite him doing little but being faithful to keeping the bounty system flowing. I wish you would have stuck around longer. Definitely the Affable Companion, I haven't met another Merchant so interested in being a good guy to everyone, despite being neutral! Ha!

Grebit - You were an amazing friend to Nebu. I had a hunch you were outcast at least in part
because of your support for me and the Nexus. I might be wrong, but you did a lot of things at my
suggestion that made Nebu squeal with perverse joy.

Ivesianna, Keshan, Tasaire, Knights - Ives, you are so insanely good at your class now. I only
got to meet you when you were already a Leader and I was a lowly inductee. I think I slowly rose
to competitive enough to survive although I doubt I put you in trouble more than once or twice.
You are the only Knight I fought over a LONG time that I didn't get to kill at least once. Props
on being formidable as they come. Keshan, you too are an animal. I haven't seen you a lot lately
but for an ogre man I could not put mals down on you, Jesus... Tasaire, we had a lot of
stalemates but neither of us have much quit in us. Loved our battles.

Berston - Damn man, we had quite the history. From our standoff in the void, watching both of our
skylaunchers melt and me thinking I was dead for the better part of an hour. You called me
"friend." Aside from Panek who was mostly a businessman to meet his needs, you were the only one
who actually saw Nebu as a friend. Most just saw him as a conniving and untrustworthy liar and
deception artist - which is exactly what he was. I don't think a single relationship changed and
grew as much as ours did. From you having me at the tip of your blade while I had no sanc in a
room I could not recall out of to me chasing you halfway across the world before you dipped out
to us forming an Alliance (partially) against the Castle.

Decimus/Danpher - We had very different relationships but I fought each of you once. Proper stalemates but we had some good times, you both are extremely difficult to attrition. Decimus, I had a lot of fun discussing cabal relations with you and the Warlord. I was always envious of Berston's collection of combatants. ;) You were always one of the scariest people to consider fighting. Multiple LACERATES through my ac and protections was unheard of damage. Love the Big Game Hunter!

Skree - Aside from two very foolish and very early deaths to teleport, you were my only death. I
can certainly say as the rumors had it, I was NOT prepared. But it helped me grow, become more
paranoid and untrusting and developed Nebu's character a lot. Loved our RP together as allies
that rather hated each other. I realize what you did, and while I do appreciate it I wish you would
have stuck around longer. Maybe I would have had further to go! 

Agmeel - Really fun fights, it felt very back and forth but you got me with your Undead regen I
just couldn't seal a kill. You were my best frenemy.

Riona - You evolved so much from when I first met you to where you ended up. You never did try to
assassinate me as I suspected. Even respected the Spider Queen as much as you needed to in order
to keep me happy, though I did want to make you more loyal.

I'm gonna be finishing up a few things before you never see him again. I have no regrets and no
bitterness about anything. Thanks for the interactions and thanks to Lloth. You made your
appearances matter, and acted in every way I would expect from the Spider Queen. Once Nebu
realized he could not leave, he wanted to find as much comfort and rank as he could with you.
Never expected to be anything than a tool, but accepted his position and embraced his exile. It
is fun as always to be able to RP drow culture in such a way. I also appreciate the faith in my
Leadership abilities. This was my first Leader so that's a milestone for me. I'll lurk for awhile
before doing something else.

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The thing about shamans is that everyone knows how to fight them these days, else, the fight won't happen. Stocking reds/gyvels and only fighting beside a cabal healer must have made his PK life boring as shit, 10 minutes to get a leg up, cured in 6 seconds. I'd like to see shamans get a selectable specialtise that's focused on one mal, like how a ninja can get a super poison that's harder to cure, shamans should be able to get one too. Failing to get X cured should open the door for the other mals to run their course a little. This would milk a little more strategy for healer humbers while giving shamans a hard to cure way to kill that's also not absolute. 

Sorry to see Nebu go, I liked him from both sides of the fence :) 

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I suppose you disappeared before I did after all. BTW, finish it all up and don't go just because of a rare purge. You can get pretty much everything else back the way you've been doing it and I still had things to discuss. Time to go back to work. No shout out to me despite the hours of discussions we've had in the lifetime? Finish, don't delete, you're still there I'm sure of it.

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I lost count on how many chars I had in contact with Nebu.

Hands down. Best stuff was when I was half-drow or drow.

Hear me hear me! I'm also great advocate for drow RP and the stuff I pulled from stetson called my butt
and Nebu assisted with my test necro - was golden.

See, we need more drow in our lifes. Besides, we can always usurp @Lloth

5/5 solid drow. I wish I had serious drow character to show you, your place. My boots. Lick. Die.

Happy thoughts.

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