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Frin Aetin, Master of the Bootus Scootus


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Had a ton of fun playing Frin, but I kinda lost the shine on him and wanted to try something else without havong to constantly worry about keeping him geared.

Big thanks to Obayana, Sven, Danpher, Dranthos, Deakon, Gordy, Thyrius and a million others who interacted with the little bugger.

| Frin            || Arms Dealer of MERCHANT                        |
| Str: 17(17)^4   || Level 50 Sex M          Age   83(216h)         |
| Int: 17(17)^1   || Class bard              Size  small            |
| Wis: 20(21)     || Race  halfling          Align chaotic neutral  |
| Dex: 24(25)^3   || Hp     886/886   (107%) Exp   56220/631980     |
| Con: 19(20)     || Mana   588/598   (100%) +Hit  60 (70%)         |
\ Lck: [||||||]   \/ Move   463/463   (100%) +Dam  42               /
|     ARMOR       ||      SAVES         || Deity  Volgathras        |
| Slash  -428     || Spell       -34    || Faith  Chaos             |
| Pierce -444     || Afflictive  -4     || Weight 258/305           |
| Blunt  -439     || Maledictive -18    || Items  35/55             |
| Magic  -325     || Mental      -6     || Prac   9      Train 0    |
|                 || Breath       0     || RP     23                |
|                 ||                    || Gold   210K   CP 6.5K    |
/ You are in the prime of your health.                              \
| You are ready for a cabal promotion.                              |


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