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Deleting this today to recycle the gear. Was a lot of fun at times. Had cool rp swirling, but its become extremely apparent that carrying it on is going to be more effort than it is worth. Going to take a small FL break as the desire to log on has faded.

Mysterum is a neat rp angle, but is very ill-equipped to contend with the main enemy of Savants. With the Mysterum V skill, elf healer becomes an absolute tank and I would recommend it to anyone looking for a great pve experience (though it is somewhat negated by having a neutral WMs constantly trying to get a piece). Neutral WM is a huge uphill battle as a healer, so use caution if rolling a good savant - you will be at a huge hardcoded disadvantage.

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An elderly elven man clad in priestly robes stands before you.  A
horseshoe of shoulder length blonde hair encircles the baldness that covers
the top of his head.  The pale flesh of his face is aged and stubbled. 
Wrinkled eyelids and crows feet frame his blue eyes, the whites of which
have been yellowed with age.  His cheeks are sunken in and his mouth rests
comfortably in a frown.  The sullen priest's ears are pointed sharply,
displaying his pure elven heritage.  

A golden heart shaped buckle clasps his brilliant red cape about his neck. 
A stark white tabard embroidered with a black sun is draped over his slender
body.  A tightly braided golden cincture is tied about his waist.  The
purple priest's stole is draped about his neck and both sides run evenly
down the length of his torso.  Beneath all of his priestly adornments, he is
clad in a robe hued a darker red than his cape.  

In his right hand he clutches a long mithril sceptre capped with a golden
crown and cross.  The sceptre is nearly as tall as the man himself, and he
holds it as if it is a walking stick.  His posture is not as upright as a
younger man's might be, but it is still strong and confident.  The aroma of
fine incense eminates from this elf; he is also well manicured and clean.  

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