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Danpher Underhill, Shadow of the Lion's Pride


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| Danpher        || Warlord of GLADIATOR                         |
| Str: 17(17)^5  || Level: 50 Sex: M      Age  : 156(978h)       |
| Int: 17(17)    || Class: thief          Ethos: chaotic         |
| Wis: 21(21)    || Race : halfling       Align: neutral         |
| Dex: 25(25)^2  || Hp   : 1027/1104      Exp  : 41580/528220    |
| Con: 20(20)^1  || Mana :  578/578                              |
\ Lck: [|||||-]  \/ Move :  462/484       +Hit: 54   +Dam: 45    /
|     ARMOR      ||      SAVES       || Deity : Tongar           |
| Slash :  -594  || Spell      : -31 || Faith : Combat           |
| Pierce:  -593  || Afflictive : -3  || Weight: 342/405          |
| Blunt :  -565  || Maledictive: -5  || Items : 48/54            |
| Magic :  -591  || Mental     : -6  || Prac  : 1     Train: 0   |
|                || Breath     :  0  || RP    : 136               |
|                ||                  || Gold  : 92K   CP: 9.6k   |
/ Condition: You are a bit worn out from your wounds.            \
| You are ready for a cabal promotion.                           |
| [WARMASTER] forces are aiding your feet and stamina.           |

Forgot to showrp : Was close to 800.

Finally pulled the pin, it's been a long road on this character, over a year and I believe it was  the right time to hang it up. I made this character to get my PK tuned up as I was very rusty upon returning and really wanted to play a Thief without griefing the pbase with prying equipment to win, I never imagined I would play Danpher this long, he was Hardcore and had 12 lives left.

The list of characters who really influenced Danpher is too long to list, Berston, Decimus, Ivesianna, Keshan, Dranthos, Riona, Irant, Nebu, Skree, Agmeel, Meliael, Panek were honorable mentions but there was many many more and apologies if I missed you.

Irant for two rounding me as an inductee, Skree for ripping my eye out after a challenge (knew I should have ran lol), Deakon for the sweetest lag lock.

Thanks Tongar for promoting Berston and I that night, was one of my best RP experiences I had on this character. Thanks Shagarh taking over and giving me a shot at Warlord. I have a sneaky feeling you were the Riftwalker always trying to kidnap me and then swooping in as the Bear God to save the day, otherwise it was an enriching experience, thank you.

Thank you Anume for all the behind the scenes action you created, especially with the Val Miran plot, your hard work did not go unnoticed.

I have a lot of fight logs saved which I may transfer to a pastebin when I get time.

I will be taking a break to refuel the tanks until inspiration strikes again.

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Top tier character. Very well played in both RP and PK.

RP - Never missed a beat. Pretty steadfast to the Warmaster RP and fulfilled the role day in and day out pretty clearly. I think the fact that you rolled with Skree tearing out your eye and running with it just further displays how well you played Danpher. You added it to your description and it became a part of your character. A powerhouse in RP.

PK - Not much can be said here. Pretty lackluster. KIDDING! Danpher was a terror in PK and a ton of people had a LOT of problems facing you. You were creative in your approaches against certain enemies and very straight forward murder/flee/murder towards others. Knowing when to flee and when to stick it out(most of the time ;)) and I know a lot of players here, both skilled and unskilled, learned an awful lot about PK from either fighting you or talking to you. Powerhouse in PK.


Unfortunately, you gotta follow the rules of FL and those rules say if you are in one cabal, become Leader, and totally dominate your cabal enemy then you HAVE to switch sides and join the hardcoded enemy. Where's that Savant?

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This character really changed how I viewed pk speed, and decision making. Forcing people to think outside of round to rouND to round combat, while also using creative tactics to try for the win.


Sorry I had to make you delete with my halfling healer. Seriously an epic character, good for you. 10/10 would recommend 

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