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Phanthanan D'aar


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You are Phanthanan, loyal believer in way of Lloth and powers of Faith.
Level 50, 1026 years old (295 hours).
Race: drow  Sex: female  Class: invoker
Hometown: Ruins of Xymerria     Alignment: Evil    Ethos: chaotic
You will receive 14085 CP when you join a cabal.
You have 833/833 hit, 1524/1524 mana, 538/538 movement.
You have 0 practices, 0 training sessions and 203 rp points.
You are carrying 34/45 items with weight 204/325 pounds.
Str: 18(18)  Int: 24(24)  Wis: 20(20)  Dex: 24(24)  Con: 15(16)
You have scored 617400 exp, and have 128523 gold coins.
Condition: You are in the prime of your health.
Luck: Lady Luck is going your way.
Wimpy set to 20 hit points.
You are standing.
Armor: pierce: -779  bash: -765  slash: -784  magic: -780
Save vs  Spell: -26  Affliction: 0  Malediction: -22  Mental: -21  Breath: -15
You are utterly invincible against piercing.
You are utterly invincible against bashing.
You are utterly invincible against slashing.
You are utterly invincible against magic.
Hitroll: 11  Damroll: 14.


I've always wanted to play the Drow female embroiled in the cut throat political system of the underdark. She was an older lady who had seen it all and lost it all in a coup. With all her loyal followers believing her dead she had to gather the resources to rise up from nothing. Hence turning to the Nexus for help. Many times as the player I wouldn't want to send certain notes and ruffle any feathers but in the end decided to send them because that's what a conniving person like Phanthanan would do, regardless of the consequences. The rp was extremely fun. I hope many got a laugh and others didn't hate her too much. I would've liked to continue her but too many mechanics built up on the pk side that frustrated me. 

Alignment: I rolled an evil invoker to focus on being more offensive via spell level. Otherwise I feel good and neutral are much better options. After hearing and seeing disparities with spell caps and having no reliable way of knowing what my spell lvl was, I didn't know if there was any point to this. Was it worth it get this spell lvl item or am I just wasting an eq slot that could give me much better stats or effects? I never got an answer on this. But feel this could be resolved by also putting real 'spell lvl/cap' in the affects list. i.e. 54/55 aff 50/53 mal 50/53 men etc.

Cabal: Another issue was with Nexus. Firstly I had zero use for any of the equipment, I don't think they're really tailored to mages of today. Secondly Pandemonium is sorely outdated for mages, one of there major skills is overshadowed by all the consumables available today. Two others being nigh ineffective due to saves and curables in today's meta. So my option was Reaver even though she rp'd as a Pande.  Thirdly in my hardest matchups via Giant Melees my primary cabal skill actually hurt me. So the majority of my fights involved my sole cabal skill being my pet dragon lol. I wondered why I was even cabaled at all or didn't go Savant instead...

Class: Lastly it seemed far too easy to save against my classes dmg and still do tons of dmg against me whereas I couldn't do the same to them. Or I'd have to wait for another mages to show up for them to adjust there saves so I'd stand a better chance. And things aren't like they were in the old days with dozens of players around forcing the constant balancing of eq. Spell lvl has caps, AC has diminishing returns, rightfully so. Hit/dam has DR, rightfully so. But what about saves having caps? Imho the amount that can be stacked should also have DR or classes reliant on these magic based skills should have ways around it. I hear even classes with them are still having troubles i.e. deteriorate, soul rip, magic missiles etc.

Toward the end more changes came through and I truly thank the Imms for implementing balance changes and making the experience much more fun for me again. Hopefully my experiences and ideas provided useful feedback. Left the cabal and hoping for a rare purge. Shoutouts to Dranthos and Keshan for giving me a run for my money. Meisha phew such persistence, I had to match it. Thelmayn for going with the rp lol. Rynon hoped I provided you much entertainment and I loved all those free charges, Iliviir and Haverty instrumental in Nexus taking lands though a bit unfair imho, hence why I believe Merchant should be separate from Syndie, Deakon, Sulavar you came so far from when we both started out. Marcella, Danpher that vellum really helped me out. Please remind me if I forgot anyone else.


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Excellent character. Glad to see someone bring Nexus back up to snuff for awhile. I completely agree that most of Nexus items are useless(Mask is boss), and most of Pandy abilities do not help casters. Reaver invoker is definitely the way to go. I know I'll miss Dear little Phanthanan...an. Another top tier, if maybe shortly lived, character from you Tassin. Keep it up and can't wait to see what you have next in store.

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@IusedtobesomebodyStill wanted to find out what this Bootus Scootus was. First time you called Phanthanan that she thought you were insulting her lol. 

@Chief Oh you were there for that? I had firestorm up the whole time during the ranking. Then an Ogre was trying to ask me questions right during our break then while rp'ing a reply, ***BAM*** lol.

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<823/823hp 549/913m 282/547mv> D 4 1678cps 
scan d
You scan down.
*** Range 1 (down) ***
Draglukashka is sleeping here.
Grehg is here, sitting astride a warhorse.
Infirus is here, sitting astride an elephant.
(White Aura) Phanthanan is here, sitting astride a warhorse.

<823/823hp 549/913m 282/547mv> D 4 1678cps 
A Rocky Formation

[Exits: north south west]

<823/823hp 549/913m 280/547mv> D 4 1678cps 
The Sunken Ship is [WARMASTER] controlled.  Players near you:
<PK>   Llyra                            A Rocky Formation

<823/823hp 549/913m 280/547mv> D 4 1678cps 
  4  50  39  11  21  54  18  
 SAN DI  DH  End Chi Inv Fly 
Spell: drug use       : for 60 hours
Spell: dark shroud    : for 21 hours
Spell: haste          : modifies dex by 1 for 3 hours
Spell: protection     : modifies savingspell by -1 for 17 hours
Spell: mounted        : for 72 hours
Spell: drug addiction : for 40 hours

<823/823hp 549/913m 280/547mv> D 4 1678cps 
Rock Outcropping

[Exits: south down]

<823/823hp 549/913m 278/547mv> D 4 1678cps 
Small Grove

[Exits: south west up]
     A magical spring flows from the ground here.
Draglukashka is sleeping here.
Grehg is here, sitting astride a warhorse.
Infirus is here, sitting astride an elephant.
(White Aura) Phanthanan is here, sitting astride a warhorse.

<823/823hp 549/913m 276/547mv> D 4 1678cps 
assassinate phanthanan

With lethal speed, you strike from the shadows and +++ ASSASSINATE +++ Phanthanan!
You hear Phanthanan's death cry.

I had full study on you once after this but never quite got the jump to execute due to running out of shadow potions, you would stand in firestorms for a very long time and it would be an awkward stalemate.

You were a scary target to stalk that's for sure.

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Yeah talk about balsy with 3 other giants there too lol. After that I was much more careful when I was helping others rank and I kept a trigger up for firestorm when I was lingering around doing other stuff. If I saw a ninja around I hadn't noticed before I'd play the waiting game since it would be up to the ninja to make the first move before the study runs out. 

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