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Well, now I know why Imms normally do not allow prepinns in cabals.

Got my butt handed to my over 27 times (full loot every time but 2) by the same three characters. Watched a healer get strangled, attempted to resurrect me on the last one sent me over the top.

Something funny prevented me from choosing the correct path for Elyssa anyways, regarding the Crusader paths so she was jacked up from the get go. Tried to make due, and just ended up using her guard more than anything due to it.

Wasted 60 pieces of crusader needed material on 2 pieces of armor that ended getting wiped of their special effects due to a bug.

Got 5 worked on weapons sacrificed .

Sorry to the folks I bothered, was trying to rp a high strung idealist. Had absolutely 1 friend in game, which made things hard.

This was an attempt at getting myself back in the pk swing, but unfortunately, it just drained about 2 weeks from me without me picking up the pace at all.

(sorry no score sheet... I feel that gives away too much about Crusaders)

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Ok, I have to GIVE you alot of PROPS. This is why, you entered trib pre-pin and that in itself is a thumbs up and you did your best to carry out the duties of trib, sader and try to pin her. Not only that you stuck around for a good amount of time. I know how hard it is with a pin in trib and you did it with a pre pin. I would liked to see her condie instead but well done, make another and show us how it is. ;)

(Raniku Gisaniv)

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