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Log Off Mentality


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Let's get some facts down real quick before we see anymore "edges don't do anything"

The bless edge alone is LITERALLY worth 11(or 17.5 if you have warcry) points if it was converted into armor points which is literally another equipment slot. The regen ones conservatively are about 5 armor points worth each. Even the thick skin one which is pretty terrible is worth 2.5 points.

Before even considering equipment differences and cabal skill differences or any other variable, you could potentially be 35 item points above whoever you're facing which is two whole equipment slots.

If people don't think two equipment slots is much, they're misinformed.

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In the best case scenario, the bless edge is worth 11 points, in worst case 0 (no access to bless, being dispelled, etc).

If you would give up two equipment slots permanently for those edges and think you made a fair trade, maybe you are misinformed.

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4 hours ago, f0xx said:

You are right, it's a combination of skill.

The people who dominated the playerbase before edges  do so after edges.

If a skilled player without edges faces a less skilled with edges, outcome will be the same.

The moment one gets rid of the "I lost because this thing that has nothing to do with me", and understand everything has to do with him, he gets better.

Until then, bad players are gonna find excuse everywhere (be it EQ, life insurance, cabal ranks, bad internet, edges, tattoos, ferals, bards, mages suck) while good players will be finding ways to adapt.

Do or do not. There is no try. 

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16 hours ago, Zylothemadman said:

I would like to chime in as one of probably the 5 most junior players I care more for the rp than the PK and there are a million things I would rather do with rp points than buy a PK edge

This opinion is so important. We can fix balance issues all day, but in the end, we have to address avenues for these kinds of players. And I don't mean PK benefits via RP points or solo writing/emote RP.

There has to be a mechanical solution, a game system, for end-game play that does not mostly revolve around PK. This gives people a reason to play when they hit the PK wall. We need fun stuff that is not PK. 

That way we can hold on to players who are not hardcore PKers (or gluttons for punishment @Fool_Hardy, @Valek).

This is so very, very important and so undervalued. Listen to this player before we lose him.

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11 hours ago, f0xx said:

You are right, it's a combination of skill.

The people who dominated the playerbase before edges  do so after edges.

If a skilled player without edges faces a less skilled with edges, outcome will be the same.

The moment one gets rid of the "I lost because this thing that has nothing to do with me", and understand everything has to do with him, he gets better.

Until then, bad players are gonna find excuse everywhere (be it EQ, life insurance, cabal ranks, bad internet, edges, tattoos, ferals, bards, mages suck) while good players will be finding ways to adapt.

Yes, good players beat bad players. How does this address the logging off problem? They should all become good players so they don't log off?

Maybe you don't see it as a problem, but keeping players online is a big issue. We need a solution that will accomplish this regardless of skill level. The game should be fun for newbies and mid-tiers too. And not only for the "gotta get more PK skillz so I can dominate everyonez!" type of ultra-competitive player. We are sorely lacking in this. Thus our player numbers!!

Also, we should be getting ideas from all sorts of tiers of players. Who is qualified in your mind to give ideas? You and a handful of others who you deem as the 'good PKers' should be the only ones allowed to voice ideas on how to make the game more inclusive for...literally every other group except themselves?

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What's keeping us from running raids and events and shit. Like I love the amount of rp I've seen, the imm interaction is through the roof.

Like it doesn't have to be game altering like the breaker no death thing. But maybe take an idea that a player is messing with.

For example, imagine some ogre warrior clan marches on the cities, the imms could get on and be those warriors and we have to go fight them together to defeat them, or like they peusdo mort and we have to hunt the imms down and fight ect, from the corpse there is a custom shadow plate who fucking knows.

I know the staff can do it, I know the players have the talent and that again the staff has some heavy hitter rp they can churn out. That's not explosions of bunny rabbits lol

Pve content that rewards more than chasing the next BiS gear, and chasing off or logging off. idk

End rant

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100% agree. And if it doesn't have to be MOMENTOUS every time. We don't need to make sure every player is online. Word of mouth can be a good thing. Might be considered "ooc" but if these raids or otherwise interesting events are moving forward consistently, more people will try to be online when they happen. Like I myself personally love when Rygothran is rampaging around a city and someone needs to stop him, or Volgathras is torturing folks in the Forums and Azravik shows up to stop him and mortals get caught in the crossfire. One on one immortal contact is extremely rewarding too, like one of beargod's trips, but not every big immortal thing has to be a plot. Lloth is always causing trouble, pitting people against each other and furthering RP for players. I can say as a player, and I'm confident including everyone else, we love these types of events. True, sometimes players don't respond and that's a bummer... but I know a lot that will. RP is amazing, and we have the capability. I honestly think we have what we need, just gotta keep getting people in the door. I've both heard from and seen great things from a couple of the new folks that have started in here.

I noticed people usually chill out on PK if something more exciting than the usual is going on. This would certainly cause logging out to be less and less popular, especially if RP participation points are on the line.

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This thread is so sidetracked at the moment.

My personal take on immortal interaction:

I do get to rp with immortals and usually it is either me initiating them, or them randomly popping into my room and starting some shenanigans.

What I sort of miss is mini-events. A global echo about a pillar of fire from deep in the Drkshtyre woods, and then people rush there and try to figure out what is going on. Or a strange procession of horned elves seen north of Miruvhor. Just... the small stuff, minor events instead of 'hearken ye, this world is doomed!'-level of events (which are also great, but can't really be played out in an hour or two). Just a few random people that don't know each other can come together to try solve a puzzle/problem, or you'll end up with some NPC friends from the Hamlet, or anything else really. Maybe a Maelbrim noble ends up owing you a favour. Like, this stuff is also cool and awesome and immersive.

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You'll laugh, but the last couple of times we've tried to do mini events we had no or only 2 oo 10 participants bc the rest had other things to do (like ranking or getting eq). Makes it kinda pointless. We'll keep trying though.

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I know that's frustrating anume, I've had two chars that had some input in some little rp things and bam my rage got the better of me and for that apologize. 

Idk maybe we sit down every Weds and do some DND shit. I know there's some people who are brilliant at story lines, i just react lol.

I think it would help at least to quell our cries.

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10 minutes ago, Anume said:

You'll laugh, but the last couple of times we've tried to do mini events we had no or only 2 oo 10 participants bc the rest had other things to do (like ranking or getting eq). Makes it kinda pointless. We'll keep trying though.

Well I didn't want it to come across as though I was saying you guys aren't trying. More to the point of having events that don't need a large number of participants. For example when Cervall opened the portal and Ivesianna was there trying to manage it was great. We didn't need anyone to be there, but it was important to Cervall's character. It also helped me as Nebu develop and I saw multiple Knights with input as well. These are the types of events I was saying work very well for the game. They can't fail, they just happen and whoever is around can choose to react or not. Improving our pbase numbers which seems to be happening lately is also a large positive in this arena. (More people around in general, more people to react to revolving and evolving IG events, more fun is had by all.)

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5 hours ago, Rygothran said:

Taliscen beat my rear up and down the block.

Keep in mind Taliscen was 100% designed to this. Drumroll stacked with greenheart meaning I had two forms of protection + the damage increase. 

Bards and ninjas are the two most broken classes in the game. After playing several bards and ONE Adjudicator Ninja, I can honestly say that they are the only two classes that are equally able to defeat one another whereas no other class stands a chance. Ninjas are 100% absolutely broken and anyone that disagrees is naive because they are playing it. The same goes for bards. A ninja should not be more defensive and offensive than a warrior in any setting. A ninja using a 2handed sword and is immediately better than any warrior. Its absurd. 

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Maaaaaan, trick is right :(

27 minutes ago, Trick said:

Keep in mind Taliscen was 100% designed to this. Drumroll stacked with greenheart meaning I had two forms of protection + the damage increase. 

Bards and ninjas are the two most broken classes in the game. After playing several bards and ONE Adjudicator Ninja, I can honestly say that they are the only two classes that are equally able to defeat one another whereas no other class stands a chance. Ninjas are 100% absolutely broken and anyone that disagrees is naive because they are playing it. The same goes for bards. A ninja should not be more defensive and offensive than a warrior in any setting. A ninja using a 2handed sword and is immediately better than any warrior. Its absurd. 


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While we have a couple of active ninjas, we have close to zero active bards. I still challenge one of the vets to play one and do ok as they are now. IF you do that, then you can again state that they are broken.

As to ninjas, LS has been toned down, I do not think we have a problem with SA either. Doublesheath might still need some looking at, though we do not really have any logs which support this currently.

General statements that something is broken without some constructive proposals what should be looked at or changed neither help anyone nor are they productive. Repeating something over and over is not helpful either. 😉


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7 hours ago, 'tarako said:

The thrown damage non vuln is very high. With a vuln it is crazy good. Especially when you factor it has no cooldown, or mana cost.


Throw on its own has 2 rounds of lag.

If you use it with murder then it's easily countered by dirt or simply engaging first. I've never had ANY problems fighting DS ninjas, especially if I was a heavy melee or an invoker.

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