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Zmud Rolling trigger?


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If it's the newest version of ZMud that may not work anymore. I don't use ZMud typically, but recently I used it for a few days, and it didn't take more than 10 minutes to figure out the trigger programming. Use the documentation, they give examples.

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~[(%d)~] Cmds: help, end, roll, add, rem>


#ad count 1

#var total %1

%if( @total < @minn, "roll")

big = %if( @total >= @big, @total, @big)

#say @count, @big, @minn, @total

count tells you how many times it has rolled,

minn is the target you are shooting for,

big is the largest roll so far,

total is the current roll.

I have used this one for a long time. Someone posted it on the old, or old-old forum.

Oh, be sure to turn it off before you start adding points. ;)

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To disable when you have that perfect roll automatically. (Modified Krouni trigger):

Enable the class before you start rolling. That is, when that first roll line pops up. Do NOT remove the 'Disable when connecting to a MUD' checked box. This way, it will not interfere with normal game play. Hit 'Enter' with no arguments in the command line to start the trigger rolling.

Create a new folder using the command line:
#CLASS {RollingFolder} {disable}

And a new trigger using the command line:
#TRIGGER {disablerollingtrigger} {#class RollingFolder 0}

Now the rolling trigger IN the new folder:
~[(%d)~] Cmds~:

#ad count 1
#var total %1
%if( @total < @minn, "roll", "disablerollingtrigger")
big = %if( @total >= @big, @total, @big)
#say count~: @count, Largest~: @big, Minimum~: @minn, Current~: @total

To set your minimum roll on the command line:
#var minn 53

Mind you, all the tilde's (~) in that are simply because I have the colon instead of the default semicolon as my command stacking character. This will not affect the trigger if you leave them in.

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