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The Recent Firestorms on the Forums


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I have honestly had enough. Every single one of us is an adult. Light-hearted ribbing is one thing. Insulting each other to the point of vitriol and hatred is some playground BS. I really want you all to take a good long, hard look at the recent trend of forum behavior and ask yourselves if that is the type of behavior you'd tolerate from people you know in person. If somebody said those things to your face. 

Look, people disagree all the time. It's part of being a person. You have opinions and beliefs. Everyone does. And that's the point. The opinions and beliefs of others may not coincide with your own. And that's fine. That's great, actually. Different perspectives are a great learning tool. But the recent air in the forums is not trying to learn from differing opinions, but trashing the people who aren't beholden to your own. That has to stop. 

Part of being an adult is knowing when to employ tact. Knowing when and how to take a step back and take the high road. You can disagree with and dislike each other all you want. But the moment those feelings turn into open hostility, you are reverting to behavior one could expect from a small child. Have you ever tried to argue with a child? Like I said before, we are all adults. We need to do a better job of acting like it. 

I really don't like being the bad guy with my finger on the warning button. I don't like the angry messages on here and discord when the person doesn't agree with my decision. I don't like depriving people of a way to converse with each other. But lately I have had to step in multiple times on both the forums and discord to police conversation because it gets out of hand. Don't keep making me be the bad guy. Please.

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