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Hi, Ryl.

I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself.  

My name is Valek and I had TDP Syndrome.  It has since evolved into the V-Virus.  I'm a delete-aholic.

I've been here, mostly on, with a two year recent hiatus to prove I can leave whenever I want, but choose not to, for about 18 years.  My PK record is absolutely horrid.  My RP can be phenomenal, but lately with the introduction of the RP Points System, I feel like that's in the crapper because I can't get enough RP points to even buy a necklace because I don't like logging or sending in journals.  Over 86 hours on my last character, I think I sent in a total of 10.

Anyways, the point I want to get around to is we don't really learn when we delete our characters.  I have no characters that have reached con-death.  It's not the reaching of that point that is important, but the journey along the way.  Learning when opponents are using automated running programs, when they're using triggers or macros, when and where they like to run, how aggressive do they like to be in certain situations, and how each class/race likes to balance their fights.  For example, I find invokers to be funny little creatures when I have the energy drain spell.  That fully charged staff turns into a mistake rather than an advantage.  Triggers?  Those can be used against people.  People who like to use them for gyvels?  Get them to use up those gyvels with an emote even when they're not blinded (is this legal?  I'm asking for a friend).  

However, as much fun as I have right up until before I delete, it's ultimately frustration that brings me to the point of deletion.  What's frustrating you?  I want to help. You can PM me if you prefer, but you might get better advice laying it all out here or even taking it to the Prayer Forum.

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