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8 hours ago, Aulian said:

I haven't played in a while but as the process is now explained to me I don't like the sound of the changes to brew. Meh. I have very rose tinted glasses too I'm sure.

Herbs now brew into potions.


Spotted mushrooms  (3 of them appear at a time in elium) are heal potions, sand colored leaves are a high high-level haste (14 ish hours), black leaves are enlarge, and oleander leaves are slow. At the time I deleted I had 70 mushrooms, God knows how many black leaves, 20 slow leaves, and 10 or so haste leaves. I also had over 600 ac without armor shield stone skin, and 60 50 hit dam. I know I spent time getting those herbs, but I don't think a combo should ever get to the point where they are essentially immortal, and can outmelee most classes because of the effects of werebeast and haste.

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8 hours ago, Valek said:

No kidding about that offensiveness.  I got caught by a werebeast ranger who had 3 levels on me and I didn't have sanc or any buffs on....

1 round and dead.  I've never seen myself go from full hp to dead before 🤣

Yea. That was me and I didn't realize you wherent 50 (I don't really know their level titles). I thought because you where not hunting that you where just rping. Also thought you where still savant. I didn't have a way to apologize in game that fit the character but I felt awful.

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I'm sure I've complained about Druids before somewhere. Yes, the werebeast (6 attacks) a round on a highly decked druid is a problem. Extremely high ac, ability to get high hit/dam and the potions are just insane. Thats not even throwing in the situational things such as their trap and high DPS aff spells.

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4 hours ago, mya said:

Can we have some logs of this non hasted and hasted druid werebeast melee? In the pk section.

I'm really curious.


I didn't really log much. The vast majority of druid fights are honestly pretty boring. You spent 500 mana buffing then hoped they got greedy and let you kill them. You are typically pulling 3 to 5 devastates a round non vuln plus elemental shield if you use one.

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