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Look what the cat dragged in...

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Savant had a ton of members, and WM was empty. Now WM is absolutely chokka-full of members, and Savant rarely has any people online. Knight/Nexus have a few people in their ranks around, they're about even I think. Watcher has a good amount of active members, but Tribunal (think Justice) is lacking too.

Savant/Tribunal are the current underdogs.


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you actually came up in conversation recently...

Yeah I think I remember that one, some people was saying you were far to handsome to play with all us nerds any more, so of course I had to step in and say he dont insult him he is as ugly and nerdy as the rest of us. And whala your back so I told them so. hehe. j/k

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Vylan, Karman/Gehenna, Malanost, Akiava, Dienne, Joelenn, Akasha, countless other 50's from back in the day...

I was also Avariel

I <3'd Avariel

Good to see you back in action.

By the way, I got rid of that pesky wife that deleted my char. :eek: No, not for that reason, though.

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I left the game abruptly (sorry to all my old fellow Imms for that), due to conflicts about some staff things and just from being burnt out completely. I just couldn't play all those long hours (not getting any younger, here) and actually work too. BUT life has been good to me. Getting married in less than two months to a great woman, and I couldn't be happier.

So I decided to come back, after doing the "hey-whats-going-on-at-FL-i'll-just-be-a-moment-on-telnet" routine.

See you all in game.

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