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Look what the cat dragged in...

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  • 3 months later...
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A hint?

Lacey, Washington...

Middle aged male...

Mod status on forum...

subtle post about knowing what Lunicant (rathe) knows....

posts about smelly feet...

posts about Malta...

posts about the char Welby...

Yeti Milk....

You are Bryntryst. A guess, sure...but an educated one, at least. Hehehe, you and me go....way back. *smirk*

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't get enough of Bryntryst's mama! WHAT?! Bryntryst's mama is censored?! What the Bryntryst mama is this Bryntryst's mama?! Mother Bryntryst mama this is some Bryntryst's mama if I've ever seen Bryntryst's mama. And trust me, I have seen some Bryntryst's mama, and it was the sickest thing I've ever seen. You know, when Bryntryst's mama puts the Bryntryst's mama in the Bryntryst's mama? Ooooo Bryntryst's mama, it'll send shivers down your Bryntryst's mama spine.

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I should be like a private investigator or something.

or maybe I should just get a life....either way....Bryn's always been there to bust my balls when I bryntryst mama'd stuff up. Glad to see you're still around man, this game definently owes you alot. I owe you alot.

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