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mud down?


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remeber being throwback to old school when all the combat damage was red, and then had a non delete for ages into the ansi changes... and tryed it out, all the damage was in red, it was wierd, and that was prob 1.0 to 2.0... cant remeber. yeah it still down.. bored. stoned..

p.s. can I say that here?

p.p.s wasn't there a pwipe there somewhere.. made druids less commercial...was that 2>3?

p.p.p.s i remeber my first druid, training the old school way in the shire, at lvl 9 not worring about thirst hunger yearning, and then increased a skill or killed something, leveled, and bam, two mangles amd another nasty and dying for my trouble.

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actually the first face is an angry face for the comment that my comment followed. Briefly I was angry... :mad: or mad if you will, however I know people love to joke around so in all of that what I said was a funny joke aswell thus I used the ;) or maybe this one would suit it better? :)

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Can the imms please restore the game and stop using it as a personal cybersex/written porno room for their repressed fantasies :D . We all hope that Big B and his cohorts are implementing the new changes to DK/Paladin but perhaps you could shed some light on what is happening? :D

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that word is the bane of any player base and the cause of wild speculation akin to fires...

PHASE 1 - its mentioned as a sarcastic joke

PHASE 2 - people express how much it would suck if..(CURRENT PHASE)

PHASE 3 - people claim they heard it is true!!

PHASE 4 - flammage commences as all rational thought goes out the window...

PHASE 5 - Authoritive figures express that no such thing has even been considered

PHASE 6 - They are ignored..flamming is more fun!!!!

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