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Puerilaug is Dead


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So not unlike anyone else, sometimes things happen IG that are just super frustrating and anger hits us all.  I took a death that super pissed me off.  After I died I sat there and thought man I am going to have to deal with this for the rest of my existence, and that's just not fun for me.  I take NOTHING away from the character that beat me.  Just felt a little OOC to me almost as if the Character was purposely built just to wreck my shit.  I know that may not be the case, but thats how I felt.


I had so much fun with This Character from Lloth insanity to kicking me out, to me becoming the Elder of Syndicate.  I'm sorry that the Rp I had going is going to change.  I hope Killian completes the work.


Shout out to everyone who helped me along the way.  That was my first Necro in 10 years and it was super fun.

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Easily one of the most fun characters to interact with in FL. If everyone here had your competitiveness to get back on the horse and go for it, the game would be 10x better. You remind me of the 1.0 days where you get your EQ and get back to it. 

You’re FL’s top ranked at having fun no matter what. The Lloth RP thing would have had a lot of people delete and instead you rolled with it. Kudos. 

Excited to see what you come up with next. Maybe a Knight?

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Just now, EllaThePuppy said:

I literally cannot overstate how much I hate you right now. :girlsad:

Awesome character and @Trick nailed it. If the majority of the playerbase had even HALF of your willingness to bounce back and roll with the punches, things would be awesome. Kudos to you.

I still hate you.

Hahaha.  No worries bro.

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11 hours ago, Iznazti said:

Just felt a little OOC to me almost as if the Character was purposely built just to wreck my shit.  I know that may not be the case, but thats how I felt.

I know this feel. Puerilaug was a great character, well done. Good stuff rolling with the punches wherever they may come from. 

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Iznazti you had an awesome character and took it to 11 with rp and pk.

You did not go out of your way to abuse your power and you always played well within the context of your role and character.

I will say that Pueriluag became to many a proof of point about a few issues of imbalance with Necros and synergy of pets, but that the burden of this should not rest with you.

In an optimized FL, these issues would be rooted out in beta or identified and recoded weekly, but because we do not have an optimized or structured process for this your character was seen as a problem through no fault of your own, and that is why you have the perception that others found ways to bring you down.

We have seen the same for many others. In fact, I am personally responsible for at least 4 instances of code changes due to power imbalances discovered during mortal play. However, in these cases the changes were made for better or worse in short order, then re-evaluated. I know a lot of other players have seen the same and this is a positive trend. 

Good leaders make decisions quickly using the information at hand. I encourage current staff to make decisions quickly, implement changes, then re-evaluate and in doing so rightfully release the burden from players like Iznazti who take the brunt of criticism when they are playing well and fairly within the rules.

Again, super props to you and Pueriluag, whose power and classiness are without question.



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Great character indeed.  Wasn't really in-game much but liked seeing another Syndi necro and you absolutely owned a toon I rolled up (which made me realize I have no business playing that particular class heh).

Can you comment more on what happened with the death that made you quit?  Was it just a death to the BLM or was it something more?  Sounds like something else happened. 

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@Mmm Coffee  It was a little bit more then just that death, but that death also was a big part of it.  I was very clear all along while playing my class, that they were too strong and needed some slight changes.  (Which the immortal staff did.  Fellow necros, we all know how cheesy that wand of winds was lets get the lag lock going then go for a dispel.)  So that was a huge change to the staff.


I had noticed that as I grew stronger the player base in turn started rolling new characters as we as a player base tend to do and I do not like this because I think its super OOC, but its the nature of the game.  At the time there Was Alimar/Despiy/Myself/Zergedelt all unique.  So it would make sense that a certain blademaster would roll up a watcher.  THIS PLAYER DID NOTHING WRONG, other then roll up something that is in the game.  Dwarf/Stalker/Blademaster  Pretty deadly combo for a necro and it put all its eggs into the basket of slaying Uniques, which is what a stalker does anyways, so cudos to them, but pretty fucking deadly combo if you ask me.



Now things where going on in my Cabal where I was planning something big.  As an Elder I think it is your duty to encourage the rest of your cabal to RP and you want to make things Interesting.  Killian and I had something very cool planned, something that I had put alot of effort.  When I entered the lands that morning, my clanmates hadn't really done anything so I was annoyed.  Here I am putting time in effort into something and Nobody even cares except for Killian (Great job killian we really ran with that!)  So this was the first OOC thing that upset me.  I then had my intern do something very terrible when it came to work (Second OOC thing.)  I decided to get my frustrations out via PK.  Well The watcher was on.  I was on Water and getting absolutely spoon fed.  Couldn't land a blind, I was being blinded with easy.  Along with a whole bunch of other things the character I was fighting can do.  My secret arts where not blinding the person I was fighting.  I died for the second time to this person.  Now we had fights all the time and they were fun, but I had to work much harder at the PK then they did as in this situation my battle was very UPHILL and they were really just able to play their class.


Upon my death with everything that happened OOC that day and that battle.  I thought fuck when this guy gets TRUSTED I am going to be getting spoonfed.  I deleted, and Instantly regretted it.




Sorry for the errors in grammar.  Writing en englais can be difficult for me sometimes when I am not using grammarly.

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7 hours ago, Ulmusdorn said:

Nice go at things. Got sketchy there in the middle but you got there. 

Pity the ride is over. Look forward to your next (screw knight they are lame - roll a watcher.) 

I do want to roll another watcher.  Gonna do something simple in the mean time.  I put a lot into Pueri and need to chill out a minute.  Its kinda like I am coming back to reality here.


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Such a great character. Lloth the character might have not liked Puerilaug, but Lloth the person absolutely loved Puerilaug. Fantastic roleplay, classy PK, and amazing flexibility in you as a player. 11/10 performance. Good luck with your next!

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