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Marshall Aelythuen Elgenyr

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No hard feelings to the game or anyone, I just lost the desire to play.  Not just Aely, I had a BLM in training and another toon at 50 that I never came back to.  Every time I return to FL, I want to play something I've never played which is basically Qstuff.  The only thing I haven't tried yet is  Demon so maybe next Fall/Winter I'll give that a shot.  For Aely though, I set out to make a true RP character to the best of my ability and I think I achieved that.  I'm not built for long-distance though.  After a while I set out to get Psi's toned and a change went in but then just now I noticed I was able to cast out of memorization again so maybe not.  For those who may not know, Aely is actually over a year old but I went on hiatus around this same time in 2019.  I had a pfile restore in December.  I accumulated something like 700 RP points over her life?  I meant to check just now but forgot.  My first Tribunal past V, my first adjudicator ever, and of course my first real psi.  I did play a short-lived dream psi way back in early 2000's but I don't count that.  I never broke RP although Lloth tried hard to make me :P  (not braeking in an OOC sense, just a deviate-from-the-lawful sense).  I've been pretty vocal about Psi's being OP since I started to figure out the class.  Doesn't mean they're immortal though.  A well-played minotaur is going to ruin your day hah.  But aside from that, I'm not sure many other combos could have taken her down save for a lucky thief dispel or assasinate.  Never fought Ragnomar, I assume it would have been a stalemate.

Thanks to Zoichan and IMMs who took over Cannix and helped teach me the ropes.  Thanks to Zergadelt for putting up with my stoic "sense of duty" RP.  I apologize for not pushing harder on the few RP plots I was involved in.  I can only write so much before it feels like a chore.  Also my apologies to @Izzzzy for playing an OP combo that ruined your enjoyment of the game across a few chars. I had no idea you were all of those mages, that's pretty commendable that you can RP multiple things like that.  Thanks to Gorudo for serving me a couple slices of humble pie in the form of my only pdeaths at 50.  Gerfunkel almost had me once too but forgot to tele lock me. Ripuliina beat me in a challenge too.  Something about mino's I guess.  I tried to work out a PK plan on paper for mino's but it just doesn't work with charge + headbutt landing so reliably.

As for gearing.  In my suit to fight heavy melees, I had over -800 AC in all stats (magic was like -790) with all buffs and about 1100 hp.  In my suit to fight C/C's, I had at or over -65 to -75 saves in all categories and around 1000 hp.  Thanks to awesome Tribunal slots, I could swap out for more AC, life, or saves pretty easily.  I used a dagger almost exclusively because the pit dagger is just that good.  I would some times use the obsidian plummet against heavy saves characters just for the deterioration proc but it was never really necessary. 

FWIW, I just had an offer on a house accepted today which is why I chose to delete rather than linger around holding up a cabal spot.  I'm constantly traveling between CT and NH for work so I'm going to be running around trying to make a June 15th close date and then all the move-in stuff after that so it will be a while before I have the kind of emotional investment time I need to enjoy playing this game. Until then, I'll live vicariously through PK logs.   Anywho - sorry for the long-winded farewell, I realize I haven't logged in nearly a month so I'm sure nobody really cares heh.   I tried to delete but I set a random character delpass so IMMs please deny.


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Very nicely played. I've played several Psi's and never got down to the math of kinesis timing like you did. Strong RP and very consistent. Congrats on the house and stay safe out there. You are welcome back anytime.

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Ironically it wasn't that hard to get those stats.  I didn't have top-notch items, but everything I did wear was psi-enhanced.  For saves, psi's have mental barrier so I didn't have to pick anything with mental saves.  Just AFF and MAL.  Barrier gives -25 mental so without that, my mental saves were like -10 + whatever my generic Spell saves were (-30ish).  My "normal mode" AC was in the 600's but swapping out 3-4 pieces and using invulnerability scrolls = 800+.  Gearing a psi is really pretty easy, especially if you take the stout perk (best stat for most mages IMO).

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  • 4 weeks later...

Great ass toon.  I had fun facing you.  You were a deadly combo vs mages.  I struggled with every toon.  Also I only play mages.


Thought you did a fantastic job all around.  I was never upset at you.  Just the versatility of the Psi in general.  Hopefully we both come back soon and take a crack at it.

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