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[50 F-Elf Cru] <PK> [TRIBUNAL] (Militia [T]) Dame Garalina Elwinas the Executioner of the Order

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| Garalina        || Royal of COUNCIL                               |
| Str: 17(18)^8   || Level 50 Sex F          Age   623(334h)        |
| Int: 24(25)     || Class crusader          Size  medium           |
| Wis: 19(19)     || Race  F-Elf(elf)        Align lawful good      |
| Dex: 23(23)^3   || Hp     692/1093  (119%) Exp   50760/644840     |
| Con: 16(16)^4   || Mana   664/897   (110%) +Hit  33 (87%)         |
\ Lck: [||||||]   \/ Move   407/407   (101%) +Dam  34               /
|     ARMOR       ||      SAVES         || Deity  The One God       |
| Slash  -777     || Spell       -16    || Faith  Church            |
| Pierce -782     || Afflictive  -7     || Weight 314/325           |
| Blunt  -784     || Maledictive -4     || Items  33/44             |
| Magic  -655     || Mental      -8     || Prac   29     Train 0    |
|                 || Breath       0     || RP     179               |
|                 ||                    || Gold   13K    CP 5.0K    |
/ You have a few cuts and bruises.                                  \
| You are ready for a cabal promotion.                              |

The official Tribunal Roll Call has been posted here.
Tribunal Roll Call
1 . Zergedelt                    30
2 . Aelythuen                    23
3 . Garalina                     19

So this has been a while coming, and I don't want anyone to feel bad over it. I did lose my holy weapon tonight in a rather stupid bit of ignorance (I had no idea fury zerks could destroy, rather than break non-burnproofed weapons), but that only sealed a decision I'd been waffling on for some time - it certainly wasn't the incentive to make the decision in the first place.

Garalina made it further than I've ever had a Tribunal go before. I've played probably half a dozen Council-intended characters, all of whom fell off the wagon and deleted at veteran. So it was nice to finally make it to the big kids table with this one. Garalina is also the first crusader I've played in a long time - a crusader was my first pinn nearly 20 years ago, so it was a nice walk down memory lane to play another one!

I did make a LOT of mistakes along the way. If I had it all to do over again, I would have gone storm giant. Barring that, I would have made a paladin. Given that whips as a weapon are largely useless for crusaders, the only benefit of having the skill is the defensive bonus against opponents that are using whips. This does synergize nicely with a behead crusader, since the common advice is to dual wield whips against them, but overall I would have FAR preferred to have the scrolls skill.

I also chose pretty poorly when it came to selectable skills, and wish I'd made some different choices, but having been so long since I played a crusader and with the code unreleased at the time I rolled, there was only so much theory-crafting to be done. In the end, I pulled the trigger on a stupid theory-build idea that I'd been cooking up, and I think it hurt me in the long run. So if you thought Garalina was strong, imagine how much stronger she could've been if I made the right choices! If I had it all to do over again, I would have made some VERY different choices. So look out when I get the itch to roll another sader! 😛

When all is said and done, I had a great time with the character - I made lots of good friends, bad enemies, and everything in between. Some shout outs...

Aelythuen - I wish we could've been the dynamic elven lady duo that we were meant to be, but our timing was off and we missed each other by a month or two.

Gorudo - I underestimated you before you became a Watcher, and was grateful to never make that mistake again. But good lord were our battles down to the wire. The number of times one more combat round would have resulted in a kill or capture for one of us... truly heart pounding.

Rynon - You're ridiculous and I love you. A bully with a quill, for sure.

Zergedelt - There were so many times that my left hand was typing angrily at you while my right hand was shaking with laughter at how ludicrous our relationship was.

Lecitus - Ho boy... The one person I never even came CLOSE to beating. You are a beast, in both RP and PK. I loved that we were respectful acquaintances, and you were always willing to give me another chance to fail at beating you! 

Smoopram - You appeared at just the right moment and made for an incredible companion through the Miruvhor plot. Big Kudos!

Virjeon - Come on, you can't embarrass me like that! I send a note to everyone saying you're exiled, and then I never got to exile you! Boo! Seriously though, great RP and I love the holy inquisitor vibe.

Rhoades, Heresh, Hartzel, Oiydi and any other Watchers - Garalina had some truly heart pounding battles, and most of them were with you guys. Big props!

Vraka - Garalina's best friend, we had our ups and downs but we always walked away friends, and I really enjoyed all our battles.

Cirilha - Another of Garalina's greatest friends. From being "waiting for our q-thing" buddies outside the Order of Crusades, to learning from and helping each other as we quickly became the sole active members of our cabals... it was a blast.

Ragnomar - Had some great RP sessions with you, trying to save Val Miran. Garalina had no idea how to "magic" her way out out of anything, and that was always painfully obvious between you and Cirilha. But I sure did try! Overall we had some solid chats, just wish we'd gotten further with it.

Zoichan - We met my first day on the job and you gave me a promotion for being respectful, and that really shaped how Garalina approached being a Tribunal. She became a rule follower that day, and it was really fun thereafter seeing how that shaped her life. My only regret is that because our personal schedules don't really line up, we didn't get to interact as much as I'd have liked.

Imms - Thank you for making the Miruvhor plot come alive. Special kudos go to @Volgathras - being restored by "plot armor" had me rolling laughing. I'm working on editing down the log and will post it to be shared in RP logs, if that's cool with everyone. I tried really hard to complete this plot with Killian, so it was nice to be able to come back and give it another shot as Garalina. Glad we could finally tie up all the loose ends and make the magic happen!


Time to piddle around and decide what's next on the agenda. But in the meantime - lawbreakers can sneak, steal, and murder a little more safely tonight. See you on the inside!

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Real sorry to see the character go.  I've always had great times with our, hmm, paperwork? haha.  Really enjoyed that you were ready to jump in on any RP that landed on your door.  Certainly my favorite Trib to date, 10/10, would break law and argue with again!

Looking forward to what you have in store for us next - hope I can be a part of it!


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  • Implementor

I'm sorry to see the character go.  I enjoyed interacting with her across multiple characters.


7 minutes ago, 'tarako said:

Imms will restore that weapon. 

If it were lost due to a bug, I'm sure @Anume or another bigwig would be happy to do so.  This wasn't a bug.

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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, tassinvegeta said:

Fun character. You improved significantly from Warrior to Crusader.

I would certainly hope so! Elf flail warriors are poop on a stick - thanks a lot, @Nekky! 🤪

And trust me, I wish I’d made some different PK decisions too. I applied early on to reselect two skills for RP points, but it never ended up happening. Among other things, I think blind fighting would have made a world of difference in my melee battles.

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