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| Tenrinal || Adjudicator of ADJUDICATOR |


| Str: 20(20) || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 41(225h) |

| Int: 17(17) || Class: blademaster Ethos: lawful |

| Wis: 17(17) || Race : slith Align: neutral |

| Dex: 22(22)^1 || Hp : 854/854 Exp : 145326/550274 |

| Con: 11(11) || Mana : 414/439 |

\ Lck: [|||||-] \/ Move : 408/408 +Hit: 41 +Dam: 13 /


| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Caimor |

| Slash : -124 || Spell : -6 || Faith : Order |

| Pierce: -124 || Afflictive : 0 || Weight: 101/375 |

| Blunt : -131 || Maledictive: -6 || Items : 16/39 |

| Magic : -70 || Mental : 0 || Prac : 6 Train: 0 |

| Weapon: high || Pos: right || Gold : 2500 CP: 206 |


/ Condition: Death is knocking at your door. \

| Anatomy :Mob Human Elf Dwarf DemiHum Giant Beast Flying Uniqu |

| 100 100 100 31 100 130 81 91 99 |

| You are ready for a cabal promotion. |


dagger 100 polearm 100 spear 103

sword 100 disarm 83 dodge 100

hand to hand 100 parry 100 trip 79

fast healing 100 haggle 81 lore 1

meditation 100 recall 100 wCABAL 100

CABAL 100 CABALSKLL 85 guard captain 79

blind fighting 100 counter 99 acupuncture 88

charge 92 dual parry 99 anatomy 100

double grip 100 balance 84 two handed 100

bolo 75 doublesheath 75 CABAL SKI LL 89

onslaught 100 chop 98 bladerush 91

backpin 86 pinwheel 85 critical strike 100

bladework 100 footwork 100 battle stance 100

avatar of steel 100 powerstrike 100 deathweaver 100

bladestorm 91 ironarm 78 Kyousanken 80

shadowdancer 86 doomsinger 76 kairishi 76

vigil 77 twin counter 92 predict 88

snakespeed 78 spellkiller 75 deathstrike 1

giant expert 100 flying expert 100 giant master 100

blood vow 100 battlesphere 99 battlefocus 100

battletrance 100 CABLSKLL 75 CABALSKILL 75

You have 6 practice sessions left.

You are Tenrinal, loyal believer in way of Order and powers of Equilibrium.

Level 50, 41 years old (225 hours).

Race: slith Sex: male Class: blademaster

Hometown: Rheydin Alignment: Neutral Ethos: lawful

Adjudicator of [ADJUDICATOR] with 210 talismans to your name.

You have been cleared for a promotion in the ranks of [ADJUDICATOR]

You have 854/854 hit, 414/439 mana, 408/408 movement.

You have 6 practices and 0 training sessions.

You are carrying 17/39 items with weight 126/375 pounds.

Str: 20(20) Int: 17(17) Wis: 17(17) Dex: 22(22) Con: 11(11)

You have scored 550274 exp, and have 2500 gold coins.

Condition: Death is knocking at your door.

Luck: You feel very lucky.

Wimpy set to 0 hit points.

You are standing.

Armor: pierce: -74 bash: -81 slash: -74 magic: -20

Save vs Spell: -6 Affliction: 0 Malediction: -6 Mental: 0

You are very well-armored against piercing.

You are heavily armored against bashing.

You are very well-armored against slashing.

You are well-armored against magic.

Hitroll: 41 Damroll: 13.

Anatomy: mob: 100 human: 100 elf: 100 dwarf: 31 demihuman: 100 giant: 130 beast: 81 flying: 91 unique: 99


First: IMPS, please deny Tenrinal. I don't know how many lives I had left, but it wasn't very much, and I had a delpass.

He was fun, but eventually died out of my interest. I did a lot of things I regret with him, and it didn't make me anymore of a better player. Lot's of props to a lot of people I can't remember. So out of respect to everyone I interacted with, I'll give no direct props to anyone.

Thanks a lot to you all for the very fun, and mostly disappointing experience of a failure.


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