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Since I began playing i've wanted a Lich, it's been so long now since those days in high school and while I want to play one bad i've never been one to go along with the crowd......so I will role one of all three classes and train them, and rank them to pinn, and wait for everyone else that wants to be a lich to quit, delete, condie, what have you. And then, when everyone has forgotten about lichs....BAM! i'll have three BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

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I started to play fl cause I saw 'liches' on the fl website' date=' that was in late fl 1.0, and ive been waiting for them since ;)[/quote']

Ive been waiting since Abandoned realms before Fl started then came here a month after start and have been waiting ever since.

Now if I could just get my desc approved Ill be golden.

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Yeah' date=' it's sad how your highschool memories can all be recollected through FL.[/quote']

well i just said that cus it's when i started playing. I didn't want to get into a pissing match about who's been playin longer. I started playin in the eleventh grade and i'm 22 today so that makes it about Six years. My friend Fetzer introduced me to FL, really got me hooked tellin me all his stories...and then i started playing....got into it big time, I brought a couple friends into it NPC_Death, Yaesiln, and Dale all high school buddies...from there they all became pretty good players while i had to quit because of computer/interent difficulties. lichs coming soon! I remember it well (i guess SOON means six years from now, though never heard used with that deffinition before).;)

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Actually Zrothum, while our mutual friends NPC_death and Yaesiln did know who Fetzer was hge did not introduce them to FL. It wasn't till after I gave them both the PORT # and IP address that Fetzer asked "why did you show FL to them ?" "If i had wanted them to play i wopuld have given them the #"S myself". My first character ever, Deolin Kema, a human necro(long dead) was rolled at Yaesiln's place. The two of them made fun of the text based game before us, and then soon after i had to leave. The next day i couldn't log on to Deolin anymore, seems NPC_death and Yaesiln had gotten him into a bit of trouble after i had gone home, something about in game profanity being not allowed:D Neither of them wanted to continue playing but soon they were both hooked. Anyway I'm all off track, It wasn't till we all Four were playing that we all Four became friends. It's in the past anyway, but my recollection is fact, and i don't like being called liar:mad: Or being laughed at;)

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