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The level of Rp


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that I have stumbled across over the past week, week and a half is immense people! You are all doing a fricking outstanding job even though I stay pretty confused most of the time.:confused: From a "friendly" vampire to a fallen elf, from lowbies to pinns and a christmas bunny thrown in for good measure. Man oh man times sure are fun here lately. Keep up the good work!:D

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I'm going to have to say I'm still not impressed with the RP I'm seeing, but it's coming along. I love to see people try to RP, and it lightens my load a lot. It's hard to RP with someone just using 'say', and forgetting all about emotes/pmotes. Nevertheless, let's keep it up, eh? I hope to see a large plot before, or right after New Years, but I guess we'll see, won't we?

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I think the playerbase as a whole, from RP and PK, is somewhat better across the board. Where I used to get attacked by 5-10 people during my stay in the 20s and 30s, I was only attacked once. And the RP I have come across during the lulls in my hunting has been rather fun. It used to be just...ok, well I guess Ill go hide and train...now it has become..I wonder whos in Rheydin today!??

Very good, very good. Times like this just make everything anyone has ever done here completely worth it. Everyone having a good time, cheating and immaturity at an all-time low (shut up and just agree), and things are still looking promising. With the arrival of Arzaeth, the coming of a new website, and a growing playerbase....almost makes ya wanna cry.

In retrospect, things can always get better. So if all of that up there made you fortify your opinions of how great this game is, scroll up to the top and vote.

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P/S/Emotes aren't as important is knowing who your character is. I see a lot of people who run around trying hard, which is important. Good RP isn't using more P/S/Emotes than everyone else, sufice to say that all they do is tell people about who you are. You need to know yourself better than everyone else knows you, so as soon as you know yourself a hell of a lot, you can use tons more P/S/Emotes.

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Emotes aren't optional, IMO, because characters do a hell of a lot more than stand there and blankly talk.

Smotes, are just a hell of a lot of fun, and do add to the level of rp and lets you grip the style of the person you are rping with.

Pmotes rock my world, even though I never really know if they're being used, but always like to think they are.

Say is boring as hell, emote your words! say should be used for those damn quest mobs looking for keywords.

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There are some of us who choose to say, simply because Ogre-Speak is difficult to emote. Pmotes and emotes on the other hand, can be fun, whether I do it, or force a mob to do it. I have to hand it to you guys who can type so fast and accurately. And yes, the level of RP lately seems to be on the rise. Well done.

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