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| Samaet || the Knight of Fury |


| Str: 14(14)^2 || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 54(99h) |

| Int: 25(25) || Class: berserker Ethos: chaotic |

| Wis: 20(20) || Race : faerie Align: good |

| Dex: 23(23)^2 || Hp : 1201/1201 Exp : 23620/627580 |

| Con: 12(12) || Mana : 470/1075 |

\ Lck: [||||--] \/ Move : 179/425 +Hit: 44 +Dam: 43 /


| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Karalius |

| Slash : -187 || Spell : -6 || Faith : Combat |

| Pierce: -188 || Afflictive : -17 || Weight: 189/318 |

| Blunt : -190 || Maledictive: -23 || Items : 32/38 |

| Magic : -110 || Mental : -16 || Prac : 21 Train: 1 |

| || || Gold : 9788 |


/ Condition: You have a few cuts and bruises. \

| [WARMASTER] forces are aiding your feet and stamina. |


Level 1: dagger 100 mace 100

spear 102 sword 100

enhanced damage 100 hand to hand 81

recall 100 staff 75

two handed 76 axe 80

shield block 85

Level 5: parry 92

Level 6: fast healing 98 rage 100

Level 7: second attack 100

Level 8: dirt kicking 100

Level 10: swing 75

Level 15: bodyslam 75

Level 16: haggle 81 berserk 93

Level 17: dual wield 100 roar 77

Level 18: meditation 98

Level 19: third attack 93

Level 20: warcry 81

Level 21: dodge 90

Level 25: lore 75

Level 30: path of devastation 100

Level 38: double grip 75

Level 42: spear expert 100

Level 46: blood haze 100

I'll be honest. I had no idea what I got myself into the moment I hit 'app send'. Samaet was an attempt at trying to create my first 'different' RP character, but failed. I think things went fine at the beginning, but once I pinned, things started getting old, and fast; my RP just got stale, and I didn't really enjoy the RP much after a little while. Sometimes wouldn't have the heart to log-in.

So in a last-bid attempt to try and spice things up, I declared war on Nexus and Despair. Helped for a few hours, before all I'd done, was just dig a huge hole for myself and put myself as Public Enemy Number One for a lot of people. Just as a note to Nexus/Despair, I haven't stopped playing because of the antics of the last few days; I would have deleted a couple of days ago if it wasn't for that scroll I sent. It makes things pretty tricky as a WM wannabe too, though, when all someone has to do is challenge you, and you know you're dead. :cool:

I'd give an apology to the Imms for the time and work they put in to get Samaet working, but I just can't play something when my heart isn't there, and I don't feel I can take said char any further. Props to everyone who I got to interact with, mainly my Battle/WM buddies. What a way for FL's first Fae Zerk to go, eh? :rolleyes:

If I could be denied please; I have a delpass on.


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a fae with 1200hp? 44/43.....that score sheet must have been while raged

Without spells to use practices on, and with eq, a fae can easily get up that much hp. Well, not easily, but I've had and seen plenty of fae invokers with 1k. Plus, 44/43 is pretty low for a raged guy... that'd mean he'd have 20/20 hit/dam unraged. Basic eq can beat that.

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That was raged, yes. I had a base HP (no gear or anything) of 960.

Oh, and you'd be surprised. I can't quite remember exactly, but rage added 11/12 hit/dam to my..well..hit/dam. That was raged, wearing a a mixture of basic EQ like onyx rings, the odd bit of mithril, combined with a few good-level spears, titanium plate, and the rest of my EQ of that level or thereabouts. 250 of that HP was from trains too, I had 28 spare trains at pinn.


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I really liked the premise of this character, especially since everyone always jokes about Fae Berserkers. I just wish it could've been something in order to shut those jokes up. A shame to see you go, but truthfully, every time you were on, I just thought 'Man, if I don't get the next WM slot because a faerie berserker gets it...'

Good luck with the next character.

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Did you end up killing anyone?

Only Zrothum. About ten times. Naked. And all because of his previous comment. :P

Belegriel watched me flee from Jhaerek, at about 100hp, with sanctuary. Then watched me sleep, stand up, and head back in, then flee again. With sanctuary.

Did I mention that was at about rank 40, with a couple bits of good EQ? :P

So, that's a no then. ;) I think on three of the deaths I took, I didn't even do any damage outside of dirt kicking. One of the deaths I took, I didn't do any damage at all. And I also got one-rounded by a necromancer.

Oh, and as for training, though it would have helped with my defending a bit, I was originally going to go Herald with Samaet, then on a whim decided to see if I could persuade Athara to let me in Battle clan. By the time I got in Battle, and my skills were sorted, I decided there'd be little point training, because I was pretty much going to be unable to kill anyone anyway. Thanks for the comments; I have another character rolled and ready (which I'll probably delete and re-roll 15 times before I stick with something).

You know' date=' I would actually pay to see a Faerie Berserker. Seriously.[/quote']

I prefer PayPal, but cash in an envelope would suffice.


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awwww, sorry to see ya go. Fun rp!!

Oh and on Fae HP...Reannaean (fae/inv) had 1280 as an all time high before i deleted her so it is possible. Of course the eq needed for that kind of hp would forsake things needed to be a melee char.

good luck with your next project!

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Samaet was truly a very entertaining character to me, he always made me laugh when I'd read his notes or just saw him doing his thing. Which was one of the reasons why I tried not to assault him. I thought you were a thief the whole time though even though you were using roar during one of our battles, I had no clue anyone would have the guts to made a faerie berserker but you did. Major props to to your Samaets rp Dey.

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Samaet was a very incredible character, it is a pitty you gave up on him. :(

You should have mastered all your defenses and hand to hand, perhaps then you would fare better against the necro.

Dont underestimate the power of hit/dam and a lucky dirt kick.

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  • 2 months later...

scrolling the forums late at night. I quit playing for a few months and I see this happens...

Where the hell was I? We had a faerie zerk and I never even seen it. How come when I leave someone finally decides to try one. This is crap, I'm actually insulted I missed this. I hate you all.

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