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So I loved this character.  He was a complete bad ass, but alas in the end I made some poor decisions when I rolled him.  The first time I took a hurricane while I had a mana shield on, should've been the moment I deleted.  Invokers and vulns are no fun.  You basically lose your mana shield rendering that ability useless, and with the changes to shields, use fire and ice shields are dangerous when you enemy are strictly melee.

I had some bad ass battles, and other then the incident last night which was lame, I enjoyed them all.

Ixxilithix (sp)  Beast mode dude, had to watch out for you all the time.

Ripulinna Man that charge is rough life, well done.

Rathaniel Bro you had me on the ropes so many times.  Well done.

Venatrix Beast mode all the way.  One of us was dying every encounter.  You did do me dirty though....

Vulghaan Loved to argue with you, its too bad you vanished.  I was trying to get some Savant rp going, and you wanted no part of it.

Amalithea  We had something cool going on.  I missed you in the end.

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