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BMG Spell Upkeep for Zmud/Cmud

Mmm Coffee

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Spell upkeep is the bane of any BMG player.  I loved the class years ago and wrote this fairly simple DB method for tracking spells.  It basically just watches for spell up/down triggers and change the state of a DB variable.  Those variables are reflected on a separate window you can have open to the side of your main window.  You never have to check your affects list again and this can be ported to any class really.  Just replace the triggers and variable names with ones for that class. Again, this is for Zmud specifically but I think it's compatible with Cmud.

I don't know if all the spell triggers are still the same after recent changes.  If you import this it will create a class called bmg and in that folder, a Spellup folder.  Type "sss" to manually create and/or refresh the spell window.  Type "resetspells" after dying to ensure all variables are set to down

The next thing you want to do is create a color trigger in the spell window so the word "DOWN"  appears as red (or whatever you prefer)

#CLASS {bmg|Spellup}
#ALIAS resetspells {armor_stat=DOWN;shield_stat=DOWN;stone_stat=DOWN;blur_stat=DOWN;air_stat=DOWN;force_stat=DOWN;terra_stat=DOWN;detinv_stat=DOWN;invis_stat=DOWN;sanc_stat=DOWN;blades_stat=DOWN;slow_stat=DOWN;pass_stat=DOWN;dance_stat=DOWN;reflect_stat=DOWN;mlock_stat=DOWN}
#ALIAS showspellstat {:SpellStat: #CLR;#LOOPDB @BmgSpellStat {#WIN SpellStat %key "  = " %val}}
#ALIAS spellupwin {#MAKEW SpellStat open "floating|persistant";showspellstat}
#ALIAS sss {showspellstat}
#CLASS {bmg|Spellup|Spell_Down_Triggers}
#TRIGGER {Your link to the deadly scythes weakens and breaks} {#col 12;blades_stat=DOWN;showspellstat;#TS 30}
#TRIGGER {You feel yourself speed up} {#col 12;slow_stat=DOWN;showspellstat;#TS 30}
#TRIGGER {Your force shield shimmers then fades away} {#col 12;shield_stat=DOWN;showspellstat;#TS 30}
#TRIGGER {You feel less armored} {#col 12;armor_stat=DOWN;showspellstat;#TS 30}
#TRIGGER {white aura around your body fades} {sanc_stat=DOWN;showspellstat;#TS 30}
#TRIGGER {You no longer see invisible objects} {#col 12;detinv_stat=DOWN;showspellstat;#TS 30}
#TRIGGER {The force field shielding you collapses} {#col 12;force_stat=DOWN;showspellstat;#TS 30}
#TRIGGER {The dense cushion of air around you dissipates} {#col 12;air_stat=DOWN;showspellstat}
#TRIGGER {The terra shield loses its sentience} {#col 12;terra_stat=DOWN;showspellstat;#TS 30}
#TRIGGER {You are no longer invisible.} {#col 12;invis_stat=DOWN;showspellstat}
#TRIGGER {Your definition returns to your physical self} {#col 12;blur_stat=DOWN;showspellstat;#TS 30}
#TRIGGER {Your skin feels soft again} {#COL 12;stone_stat=DOWN;showspellstat;#TS 30}
#TRIGGER {You feel solid again} {#COL 12;pass_stat=DOWN;showspellstat;#TS 30}
#TRIGGER {Your field of increased gravity fades away} {#COL 12;plum_stat=DOWN;showspellstat;#TS 30}
#TRIGGER {You fade into existence} {invis_stat=DOWN;showspellstat}
#TRIGGER {You sense your control over} {#COL 12;dance_stat=DOWN;showspellstat;#TS 30}
#TRIGGER {You can no longer sense magical auras} {#COL 12;detmag_stat=DOWN;showspellstat}
#TRIGGER {Your reflective shield shatters and expands outwards} {#COL 12;reflect_stat=DOWN;showspellstat;#TS 30}
#TRIGGER {Your mana lock disintegrates sending waves of energy through} {#COL 12;mlock_stat=DOWN;showspellstat}
#TRIGGER {The world seems to grow larger as you regain normal size} {#Col 12;enlarge_stat=DOWN;#TS 30;showspellstat}
#CLASS {bmg|Spellup|Spell_Up_Triggers}
#ALIAS You may only control one blade at a time {dance_stat=UP;showspellstat}
#TRIGGER {You can already see invisible objects} {detinv_stat=UP;showspellstat}
#TRIGGER {You summon a pair of deadly blades} {blades_stat=UP;showspellstat}
#TRIGGER {Given the angular velocity of the blades, the safe limit} {blades_stat=UP;showspellstat}
#TRIGGER {You are already protected by an air shield} {air_stat=UP;showspellstat}
#TRIGGER {You compress the air around you into a thick protective layer} {air_stat=UP;showspellstat}
#TRIGGER {Your eyes tingle} {detinv_stat=UP;detmag_stat=UP;showspellstat}
#TRIGGER {You feel yourself moving more slowly} {slow_stat=UP;showspellstat}
#TRIGGER {You feel someone protecting you} {armor_stat=UP;showspellstat}
#TRIGGER {You are surrounded by a force shield} {shield_stat=UP;showspellstat}
#TRIGGER {Your skin turns to stone} {stone_stat=UP;showspellstat}
#TRIGGER {You are already armored} {armor_stat=UP;showspellstat}
#TRIGGER {You are surrounded by a white aura} {sanc_stat=UP;showspellstat}
#TRIGGER {You weave air and energy together into a thick} {force_stat=UP;showspellstat}
#TRIGGER {You are already shielded.} {force_stat=UP;showspellstat}
#TRIGGER {You are already shielded from harm} {shield_stat=UP;showspellstat}
#TRIGGER {You weave magic and power around yourself creating a true Terra} {terra_stat=UP;showspellstat}
#TRIGGER {You already hold the ground to your bidding} {terra_stat=UP}
#TRIGGER {Your skin is already as hard as a rock} {stone_stat=up;showspellstat}
#TRIGGER {You fade out of existence} {invis_stat=UP;showspellstat}
#TRIGGER {You can't move any slower!} {slow_stat=UP;showspellstat}
#TRIGGER {You are already invisible.} {invis_stat=UP;showspellstat}
#TRIGGER {Your physical contours become distorted} {blur_stat=UP;showspellstat}
#TRIGGER {You phase out of existence} {pass_stat=UP;showspellstat}
#TRIGGER {You are already out of phase} {pass_stat=UP;showspellstat}
#TRIGGER {You place a field of increased gravity around yourself} {plum_stat=UP;showspellstat}
#TRIGGER {You are already intensifying the gravity in the area} {plum_stat=UP;showspellstat}
#TRIGGER {You breathe intelligence into} {dance_stat=UP;showspellstat}
#TRIGGER {You pour energy into the air around you and create a reflective field of} {reflect_stat=UP;showspellstat}
#TRIGGER {You are already surrounded by a reflective field} {reflect_stat=UP;showspellstat}
#TRIGGER {You place a protective ward on your enchantments} {mlock_stat=UP;showspellstat}
#TRIGGER {The world and everything around you seem to shrink} {enlarge_stat=UP;showspellstat}
#CLASS {bmg|Spellup|Variables}
#ALIAS blades_stat {}
#VAR armor_stat {DOWN}
#VAR BmgSpellStat {----SPELLS--------STAT----Air_Shield    @air_statArmor         @armor_statBlades        @blades_statBlur          @blur_statDancing_Blades@dance_statDetect_Invis  @detinv_statDetect_Magic  @detmag_statEnlarge       @enlarge_statForce_Field   @force_statInvis         @invis_statManaLock      @mlock_statPass_Door     @pass_statReflective    @reflect_statSanctuary     @sanc_statShield        @shield_statSlow          @slow_statStone_Skin    @stone_statTerra_Shield  @terra_statPlumbum_Manus @plum_stat}
#VAR air_stat {UP}
#VAR blades_stat {DOWN}
#VAR blur_stat {UP}
#VAR BmgSpells {ArmorDOWNShieldDOWNStone_SkinDOWNBlurDOWNAir_ShieldDOWNForce_FieldDOWNTerra_ShieldDOWNDetect_InvDOWNInvisDOWNSanctuaryDOWNBladesDOWNSlowDOWNPass_DoorDOWNDance_BladeDOWNReflectiveDOWNManalockDOWN}
#VAR dance_stat {DOWN}
#VAR detinv_stat {UP}
#VAR force_stat {DOWN}
#VAR invis_stat {DOWN}
#VAR mlock_stat {DOWN}
#VAR pass_stat {DOWN}
#VAR reflect_stat {DOWN}
#VAR sanc_stat {DOWN}
#VAR shield_stat {UP}
#VAR slow_stat {DOWN}
#VAR stone_stat {UP}
#VAR terra_stat {DOWN}
#VAR detmag_stat {UP}
#VAR plum_stat {DOWN}
#VAR enlarge_stat {DOWN}

Edit: see, i'm not always an asshole :P

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I did buttons, but a window is cool.  Good to see another way to do the job.  Gives plenty of options.

I have a couple of suggestions.

First, you can lose doing #TS 30 at the end of your spells falling if you've got a tick timer that resets off your prompt.

Second, I'd recommend using #CW instead of #COLOR in case you have lines that stack and you're using the entire phrase.  This way it colors just that phrase instead of the entire line.

Last, we have a place you can share scripts if you like:


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