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So, I lose track of what's happening for a few seconds and catch myself at pretty hurt eating bashes from a FG(they hurt btw). I did get to type in one fl before I'm dead and I get back to the ol' corpse to about a 95% loot. Well, in a fury of course I give it the old delete; delete because I know that I had a delpass on this character. I always do it when I die to an ****head like that and get looted(it makes me happy to try and delete and not be able too) but I sure got a surprise when I get disconnected.

Soooooo. Here ends the story of Dyntia, the gnome warrior. I really, really enjoyed playing her except against giants and ogres and they just bashlock you till you're dead. Think all of my pk deaths were bashlocks, maybe one poison/plague death that I couldn't get to a temple quick enough. Don't know exactly what happened with me being set back to level 23 and out of tribunal but I was hoping to make a strong comeback. Frick....I guess getting setback like that made the mud forget about my delpass because I usually don't set them until around 40 or so when I'm sure I'm going to keep the character. Frick. Anyway, it was fun about 99% of the time. Don't have a clue what I'll do next but it won't be a gnome warrior I promise.Frick, frick, frick, frick.

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Very well played character. Had some suspicions about your success at the beginning, and didn't really start taking you seriously until you almost caught me. Definently some improvement between this character and your last. Looking forward to seeing the next one.

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Dyntia was Tribunal but was bitten by a pfile bug that took her back to rank 23 and booted her. That reversing of the clock is what removed Teurlain's delpass most likely.

We were working on fixing her when this happened.

A real bummer, too. I was impressed by a player willing to fight knowing 90% of the time they were outgunned. Even more impressive to take on a cabal responsibility that would require you to fight people you otherwise wouldn't have chosen to, usually in gangs of two or more.

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You get so far with a character, then you just up and delete. I hope like HELL the next character you make goes far, (like the last two) and continues to do well, without fear of deletion. You disappoint me, thoroughly. Your last two characters interracted with both of my characters I have now, and I was hoping to see them both succeed and continue to. DON'T do it again.


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That delete delete is a mental calming thing I do because I used to rage delete alot of characters. Like I said, I had a delpass for the old girl but the going back in time must have erased it. That was the....fifth time I'd deleted her. Oh well, already got another headed to 50, hope it's as much fun as she was.

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You get so far with a character, then you just up and delete. I hope like HELL the next character you make goes far, (like the last two) and continues to do well, without fear of deletion. You disappoint me, thoroughly. Your last two characters interracted with both of my characters I have now, and I was hoping to see them both succeed and continue to. DON'T do it again.


Someone didn't read it all. ;)

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Didn't get to interact with you at all, but as soon as I saw that you were a Gnome Warrior I felt bad for you and the world of hurt you must've felt. :P

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It wasn't that bad except fighting giant sized warrior/zerks. They are the only thing that could bash lock me. Even against clerics I just tried to outdamage them through minister. Had a decent time at it, only died to one and that was cause I couldn't get back to my temple to cure poison/plague. I'm sure if there were alot of mage criminals I would have had a rough time with dispel magic and all. It was the first gnome warrior I've tried and it will be the last, but still fun.

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