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Half Elf/Alignment


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I am playing my first half elf and am disappointed that they can not be neutral. Here is my chain of thought. Elves are good, Humans can be evil. So the elf in the half elf would not allow him/her to be evil, but the human in him/her would allow neutrality.

I want the neutral option for RP purposes.


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Apply for it. If you RP it well, you can get it.

Also depends on the class:

Rolling stats for half-elf warrior.:

Max: Str: 19 Int: 21 Wis: 20 Dex: 22 Con: 18

Cur: Str: 8 Int: 8 Wis: 8 Dex: 8 Con: 8

[41] Cmds: help, end, roll, add, rem>


Exiting the quickstart... Saved.


One's alignment is the path that one has chosen to follow: good, neutral,

or evil. It reflects one's nature, and describes how he reacts to

situations and how he interacts with others. Alignment is chosen at birth,

and the gods expect mortals to follow their chosen paths for their entire


Choose your Alignment: [G]ood [N]eutral >

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The class will also dictate their align. Half-elves CAN be neutral, but a Half-elf Paladin cannot (Because Paladins can only be good), and a Half-elf Monk can only be good (because Monks can be good/evil, and there are no evil Half-elfs).


EDIT: Just realised I basically just echoed everything already said in this thread. :rolleyes:

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anything is possible with a good RP reason behind it. however, some things cannot be done for 'game' reasons (i.e. a drow ranger. i know we all want to be you-know-who, but we can't). the rule of thumb is this: you can app for anything. no one can stop you from trying, but just don't be too disappointed when it gets rejected.

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