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Rolling Suggestions


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Very very little reward for RP (Especially in the last 2 or 3 years--moreso since admin change). Just look at all the titles' date=' user-only items, and tattoos(pk tool anyways) around. Admins can control the levels of RP/PK by the standards in which they give rewards and other incentives out. Admins should ACTIVELY reward RP (and not just super exceptional RP), and you'll see it completely spike up. For example, I personally believe that at least 25% of the playerbase should have a title, and it should be due to whatever the snooping imm thought your character represented.[/quote'] I agree, but that would require lots and lots of A: Creative thinking, and B: Immortals. And even though that would be really cool, I'm sure Chayesh, Big M, and the gang don't really want a bunch of RP-Only Imms just tossing out titles and items.
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I think Dey is quite a good rper. He got a Watcher E mainly (not only) due to rp. And now say again we don't reward rp :P

His last char was 99% rp and totally gimped pk wise. His rp was excellent. Don't bash him if he wants to have something he can actually hit someone with for a change. ;)

Titels and rewards you can do something with are not just thrown around as that would make them less special. On the other hand you'd probably be astonished as to what weird objects that are not especially useful I have given to players lately, from bunny cages with bunnies in them, to soap, to wool and a sewing set.

And I've been asked NOT to give people a custom title twice now (or begged, even), so it's not our fault ;)

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RP vs PK

Perhaps this is best for it's own thread? Just my thought.

As far as PK AND RP making a character notable, I think either will do the job. Some of the most notable characters were meatshields and ended up condeathing. I know some IMPs (previous) even extended their life for superior RP and general influence on the realm. IMO, a superior RP character who sucks at PK makes some of the best IMMs and players to even exist in the FL realm. To be honest, it was the same @ AR too.

You dont have to play a rediculous combo (faerie berserker, good luck on the RP with that one. Viri smacked me for a demon thief. I can't imagine what he would say to a request for faerie berz) to play a unique combo. Many have played some interesting combos and made a name for themself.

For newbie PK players I always suggest halfling or deurgar/dwarf. Make it a hidden class and you will have a hard time con deathing. My suggestions to learn PK:

human DK

halfling/duergar/dwarf cleric (of any type)

human paladin (not elf if new @ PK unless can power rank to 50)

human ranger

human ninja

any thief

dwarf warrior

That's all I got for now. All the above you learn a lot with. Escpeially about running.

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I always try to think my characters through to some extent before i roll them up, I don't gear it toward a cabal but I do take it into consideration when I think about it. But yea I do somewhat remember the big PK'ers but I ALWAYS remember the huge RP'ers. I really miss having dey's fae zerk around when I was ranking up my paladin I always wanted to hunt with him because he was a blast to RP with. I do enjoy Pk but honestly my favorite class to play is Healer and so i try to focus more on RP than PK for obvious reasons. I agree with Crypt on this that I don't see as much RP as I used too, you get the rare ones like Morg or Samaet(sp) or Marti that are Exceptional RPer's but for the most part I have to agree its not near as good as it used to be.

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Most of my character ideas pop in at odd times, like when I'm playing one character, I think of an awesome RP, then usually try to find something that will fit the RP well. I sometimes have a cabal in mind, but the fact of the matter is, I have a hard time keep characters around long enough to get into cabals.

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I hope its a good, its becoming a bit lonely for the shining light at the top.

And Paladin or DK all the way for a new player.

Don't worry, I'm ranking up a goodie. I know how bad it can suck to be the only good on with like 12 evils in your PK range.

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whee, me and pali, makin' goods. the world is gonna being all shiny and happy now for sure!

btw, goods suck.

No kidding. I've had two goods pinned since 1.0, and one of them got outcasted to neutral. If I can make myself stick to this guy, especially with how I haven't played in months, it's going to be a bit odd for me.

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Strange i can never manage to log on my evils' date=' i dont know why...[/quote']

See, I'm rather good neutral in real life (I'm a nice guy, I just don't follow laws I don't agree with), so playing evil/neutral chaotics was a LOT of fun for me. My goods tended to be somewhat better RPed, as they were more just sides of myself that I let out than an act I was putting on, but the evils are sometimes just way too much fun.

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