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The character is gone now. As my first Cruasder, I certainly had some illusions of grandeur with what may come, but tried to temper my expectations against the realities of this being my first time playing a crusader (outside of a brief stint during HW).

I would like to give a huge shoutout to both @Gifnab and @Zrothum as they both provided me with vast amounts of information and advice that helped me feel at least a little less intimidated. Having the wide array of selections and navigating that with some helpful suggestions certainly made that experience more pleasant and I am truly grateful for their time and input.

I also want to give some shoutouts to the friends and enemies Uilithian made along his travels. I thoroughly enjoyed those interactions and honestly was pleasantly surprised by many of them, in particular Sarindel and Gammelheim. If you ever want to have an interesting interaction, ask Sarindel to recite you some poetry, pure chaotic gold! Akayli, Aegreus, and Talindra are among many others with whom I was fortunate enough to travel and interact with, I wish you all the best.

Now for a few comments on Crusaders, as a first time player, please take that into consideration. I found Elf as my race to be a bit of a regret, especially since Storm Paladins were opened up shortly after I was already making my way to 50 as a Paladin. I had considered scrapping the character, but wanted to stick it out and try and give Elves a fair shake. Ultimately as a Crusader I choose the Executioner path, along with weapon smithing. One of the things I hadn't considered with those choices the drawback of being weaker for PvE, combined with my lack of familiarity with Equipping a Goodie melee, and the added bonus of the rare item limit. Thankfully the revamped EQ in the Elven Kingdom (and other locations) seemed to help me put together a reasonable AC (-650, -730 with Stone Skin, Armor, and Shield), but it certainly felt like I was at -300 during combat. I really need to do a better job of logging this stuff, so my apologies for not providing better evidence to illustrate my point.

The other thing that really seemed to hinder my progress was my inability to be effective in combat. Unfortunately I felt like I would either fight a T/E grade opponent that would leave me spending the majority of my time fleeing and not really gaining an edge with which to try and attrition them. On the otherside, where I would fight a non-caballed enemy, they would easily run away as I had no way to lag/hinder their escape. I consider myself a pretty decent chaser, but eventually they would always get away and log off or continue to simply avoid leaving me feeling rather frustrated. Additionally, things in the PK department were not helped by my own mistakes, my first few fights I didn't even have sanc up and really had to laugh at myself for feeling like I was just learning how to play the game again.

Overall, I consider this a positive learning experience and I hope I helped add at least a little something to the enjoyment of everyone playing.

Cheers, and see you on my next!

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1 hour ago, Anume said:

Think you probably gave up too soon without learning all you could have about crusaders yet ;)


I would definitely agree, but I was also butting up against recognizing that it was really feeling a chore to log in and play. Every time I would think about logging in, lots of negative thoughts would tend to push me away and unfortunately I think that tends to invade my RP, etc. and I find it hard to push through/past it.

I probably should have asked for a purge/shelving for a few months to try and come back to the character with a refreshed interest, but that's alright. I would hate to hold a slot that someone else has an interest in.

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