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Kinda lost the desire to play him, when my lore was made a lil useless. And Reemon beat me up real good. Figured it was time to let him go. 


Reemon...Kinda got mad that even tho you are playing an even more broken Leader combo than me, you had to run around on water all the time. You were beating the crap out of me on land just fine. Always running there to weaken me even more and for you to get even more bonuses...Meh.

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Eating DISMEMBERS and LACERATES trough sanc and drunk from him, not wielding a vuln weapon kinda sucks too. I was giving mages a hard time, but melees were cappin my arse with them vulns. Yet everyone was whining about my shield lore and it got nerfed so bad, that it made it useless. Lag reduction is no where too great, if you are a medium sized warrior, and having to pay 100 RP for only 28% chance to actually lag someone for 1 round is really useless. Other procs were supposed to be increased...I didn't notice and change. Other procs are stupid anyway. Disarm...Shield disarm...who walks around with weapons, or shields that aren't cursed anyway.  Not to mention the fact that 20-30% of the times I use the shield bash command it bugs and only does a scratch, or graze, without procing anything. But oh well...Lesson learned. I'll see if my next combo gets nerfed right away, heh.

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You had about an 11% chance each (1 in 9) to do an effect from disarm to applying -parry.  Those chances were buffed to be 14% each (1 in 7).  A 3% buff to each, you probably won't see much of a change, no.
You had to purchase an edge to get the ability to do 1.5 rounds of lag with it.  Without the edge, all it did is damage 44% of the time (4 in 9).  That chance is now reduced to 28% of the time (2 in 7).
This lag will still go through protective shield.
Autobash was not touched.

If this made your lore useless, then I would infer that you think that your lore would be useless if you never purchased the edge to start with.

The other change to the lore was when you enter the command and it fires off that lag (and only when you fire off the lag meaning you need the edge), you'll proc the damage from bone wall and shield of thorns and other similar skills.  This was an oversight which has finally been corrected.  It was also the primary reason for the change.

The lore still grants -10 Save vs Spell and -3 to caster level when wielding a shield.  Up to two rounds of lag reduction against yourself from bash and bodyslam and some others instead of just one.  This as you've figured, coupled with the dwarf resistance to magic, is going to cause a lot of grief for mages.  The trade off is, again as you've figured, melees are going to cause you problems.
The end result is this lore is still extremely strong and because of all of the above, we'll probably revisit it at some point.


If you think the damage you're doing is bugging and it is not procing when it should, please post logs of such in the bug tracker here on the forum.

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All good on my end. Numbers and pluses don't work out like that though. When you are blinded, you get no lag reduction. If you can see, you get 0.5 rounds of lag reduction. I don't log, so I don't have a log to show you the scratches bug, where I lag myself for to rounds in exchange for a graze, but maybe I should've. Actually...I think there are some like that on the logs posted by the other guys. On another note...Crusaders in Church is a no no for me. That's a way for them to avoid the rare restriction on the class and buffs them like crazy. It makes sense that they should be allowed in of course, but their proccing equipment which they build should count as rares.

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13 hours ago, kamikazi said:

to show you the scratches bug, where I lag myself for to rounds in exchange for a graze

This bug has been fixed.

What happened was you were actually failing the shield bash.  Quick recap: Regardless of the action, when it says "miss" on a failed attempt, the game is just displaying 0 damage.  The game was then adding 10 damage to the miss when applying damage, causing you to effectively "not miss".  You get no effects due to the miss, but you still got a damage noun.

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