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The Story of my Avatar, for those who care.

I've been a long time fan of the Mutant Chronicles/Doomtrooper genre. One of the factions in the game, story, whatever, is Cybertronic. They are a faction that's sort of a mystery, but they came to power through some deft plays of the stockmarket and took advantage of a small power vacum created by conflict with, and due to, the forces of evil. The avatar I use is the cybertronic logo altered to be a G instead of a C. Now as some of you have probably found out through your own deft moves, my name is Geof thus the G. Also, lots of the people hate Cybertronic, so it's sorta fitting.

That being said, please vote.


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We have some talented coders here somewhere, right? I mean...on Aim I've heard ALOT of FL players say they C/C++ skills. Someone code us a program which reminds us to vote every 12 hours...or automatically opens the browser...and can report our status to the user.

That would rock.

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Done. Voting script for ZMud:)

#CLASS {VoteForFL};#ALIAS TMCvotelinks {#URL "http://www.mudconnect.com/mud-bin/vote_rank.cgi?mud=Aabahran:+The+Forsaken+Lands"};#ALIAS TMSvotelinks {#URL "http://www.topmudsites.com/cgi-bin/topmuds/rankem.cgi?id=virigoth"};#ALIAS MMvotelinks {#URL "http://www.mudmagic.com/rate.php?id=1428"};#ALIAS vote {#NOOP "FL Script by Grumpy (28/07/06)";#ECHO %char( 32);#IF (!%defined( LVTMC)) {#VAR LVTMC {999999999999} _nodef "VoteForFL"};#IF (!%defined( LVMM)) {#VAR LVMM {999999999999} _nodef "VoteForFL"};#IF (!%defined( LVTMS)) {#VAR LVTMS {999999999999} _nodef "VoteForFL"};#IF (%time( dd) != %copy( @LVTMC, 7, 2)) {TMCvotelinks;#VAR LVTMC %time( yyyymmddhhmm)} {#ECHO You can't Vote in TMC yet, please wait until %eval( %time( dd)+1) %time( mmmm)};#IF (%time( dd) != %copy( @LVMM, 7, 2)) {MMvotelinks;#VAR LVTMC %time( yyyymmddhhmm)} {#ECHO You can't Vote in Mud Magic yet, please wait until %eval( %time( dd)+1) %time( mmmm)};#IF (%eval( %time( dd)-%copy( @LVTMS, 7, 2)) > 0 | %eval( %time( hh)-%copy( @LVTMS, 9, 2)) > 12) {TMSvotelinks;#VAR LVTMS %time( yyyymmddhhmm)} {#ECHO You can't Vote in TMS yet, please wait until %if( %eval( %time( hh)+12)>=24, %concat( %replace( %format( "&2.0f", %eval( %time( hh)+12-24)), " ", 0), ":00 ", %eval( %time( dd)+1), " ", %time( mmmm)), %concat( %eval( %time( hh)+12), ":00 ", %time( dd mmmm)))}};#ALARM "TM_VoteAlarm" {-30:00} {#IF (%time( dd) != %copy( @LVTMC, 7, 2)) {#ECHO %ansi( white, blue, bold)You can now VOTE in TMC!};#IF (%time( dd) != %copy( @LVMM, 7, 2)) {#ECHO %ansi( white, red, bold)You can now VOTE in Mud Magic!};#IF (%eval( %time( dd)-%copy( @LVTMS, 7, 2)) > 0 | %eval( %time( hh)-%copy( @LVTMS, 9, 2)) > 12) {#ECHO %ansi( white, green, bold)You can now VOTE in TMS!}};#CLASS 0


-Automatic voting reminder.

-type vote to vote on all three sites.

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Ok, for those lazy bastards who always forget, I wrote a voting program.

It will remind you to vote every 12 hours. It sits in your taskbar, hidden, until it's time to vote.

It only works on WinXP (though you may be able to emulate it in Wine, not sure), and supports both IE and Firefox. It's a single file 88k download, so it leaves a really small footprint, and no, there is no spyware in it, so go ahead and scan away. :D


If you need help using it, let me know.

Edit: (Sorry, had FLVote instead of FLVoter)

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Some .NET Framework? Funny, funny.

The .NET Framework comes as a Windows Update, which you would have if you kept your automatic updates on. :) It is the platform that most modern Windows applications will be running on. Linux even has a version like it that they call Mono.

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This is the .net framework package:


However, to install it manually(its meant to be updated, as Crypt said)...you will need Windows Installer, which Microsoft's website will not give out to unactivated versions of windows xp, so here's a link to it:



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If you had the same problem I did make sure to install the .net framework 1.1, 2.0 seems to not work. Anywho, now I have both ;)

I installed it...now...do I just wait 12 hours?

Edit: Wow, this is awesome. It even looks cool. Just got to set it up to run at startup. So cool.

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