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Change Logs


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Here is what I can recall:

-Rangers path added.

-New Class blademaster

-New Class Psions

-New Class Lich

-Vamp tonedown

-Druid MASSIVE tonedown

-bards revamped.

-Ninja paths added.

-Ninja assasinate tonedown

-Mal and mental gear toneup, then tonedowned down slightly again.

-fireshield no longer hits every round.

-monk can now take down steel wall.

-healer cannot gate to players.

-tribunals added.

-outlaw can now be freely given by royals.

-lots of new Immortals added.

-no fighting in the melieu arena.

-hurricane increased damage.

-Avian now has air vul.

-bounties now random.

-pk shield for cabaled near their cabals.

-black dragon can now see hidden

-troll king can see the invisible.

-kaddars now see camouflaged.

Feel free to add to the list.

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Sometimes, we change certain pieces of abuse or certain loopholes without making it public. This is because we want the people who were abusing said advantages to be surprised when they suddenly reap the consequences.

For example - You can no longer clan switch just to kill someone. I made that change perhaps over a month ago. Furthermore, you can no longer kill the mob to get your money back. I put a humerous little program in place to stop it.

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