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Reemon Blade the Ordained Vampire Slayer, Emissary to the Unholy


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Stopped playing for awhile and forgot to post a goodbye thread. Life was very tough in the beginning. Sister Selynier, your efforts for what you did for the Church and to spread the word of God were very commendable. Your final appearance coinciding with the anointing at the Cathedral was very memorable 🙏 . Heck your Herald sister Akayli pretty much blamed Reemon and the Church for your death and we went to war over it, still couldn't believe that 😮 .  I remember having to deal with Thalain whom was the strongest Vampire I've ever faced. I had no idea about some of the synergies. I remember looking at the text with my mouth open during our battles lol. Special mentions to Worrex, Isthamael, Khalia (the Syndicate now does the work of God! lol), Bradato, Chofarex  Forgive me if I've forgotten others whom had an impact on his life, it has been awhile afterall. I will warn others NOT to go for weaponcraft now. In the end the socket bug was too much for me. Also I realized I could've lost my E/L spot by getting cabaled booted, do the quest again and keep my E/L blessings if my armor is still lying around. Could've been done indefinitely so should probably be looked at. 


Had different scores but hit/dam seems to be the most in question, even though I preferred my other score sheets with higher saves in most of my battles.



| Reemon          || Right Hand of the One of MINISTRY                           |


| Str: 24(24)^3   || Level 50 Sex M          Age   128(985h)        |

| Int: 17(17)^1   || Class crusader          Size  large            |

| Wis: 17(17)^1   || Race  storm             Align neutral good     |

| Dex: 16(16)     || Hp    1289/1304  (145%) Exp   43200/548800     |

| Con: 19(19)     || Mana   542/641   (120%) +Hit  83 (65%)         |

\ Lck: [|||||-]   \/ Move   451/472   (105%) +Dam  88               /


|     ARMOR       ||      SAVES         || Deity  The One God       |

| Slash  -597     || Spell       -16    || Faith  Church            |

| Pierce -593     || Afflictive   0     || Weight 416/575           |

| Blunt  -592     || Maledictive -12    || Items  31/38             |

| Magic  -506     || Mental      -11    || Prac   0      Train 0    |

| Weapon low      || Breath       0     || RP     120               |

|                 ||                    || Gold   128K   CP 13.5K   |


/ You have a few cuts and bruises.                                  \

| You are ready for a cabal promotion.                              |

| You are drunk.                                                    |


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I had a ball 'instructing Reemon' and trying to groom you as the next Church leader.  You took what Selynier started and brought it so far I am actually proud that I was a part of your rise.  The war with Nexus, that Akayli went on the warpath.  All of it had me thrilled (especially Akayli.  I had hoped she would go ballistic, but I didn't think she would actually go out to destroy the church)

You were also a beast to fight against.  Reemon was hands down the hardest Sader to bring down.  Hurting you was damn hard and surviving you was equally hard.  Even when I did have you against the ropes a few times, I just couldn't hurt you fast enough to seal the deal. 

I understand all too well the troubles of church armor and ease of regaining it.  At least the problem was fixed with having multiple sets.  That was just damn unfair.  But, I still think church armor needs a good nerfing, especially the non-upgrade portions.  The upgrade armor stats were fine, but with the vendor items on top it is just too much for some classes to overcome.  Combined with the ability to store that upgrade armor in your locker and it is just seriously unfair.

Hopefully, you'll come back strong with another character.  We've got a lot more people playing now and lots of new people.

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