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Sculve (Nexus V) taunting Talindra (Knight L) as we tag war with armies.


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Taunting going on over an hour while we spar with armies. In all this time only one bastallion was able to get capturedI enjoyed it! but both went through a ton of armies. To whoever the player of Talindra, I enjoyed it, thanks for the conversation instead of just silent back and forth with armies. Had to cut it short as work calls.


[15:52:02] You told Talindra 'This is fun! Watching all those mortal souls being
 sucked into the Gateway! Keep sending more!'

[15:52:44] Talindra told you 'I have resurected every one of my fallen Crusaders
.  I am a healer you know.'

[15:53:04] You told Talindra 'Your a liar too, no mortal can ressurect tens of t
housands in a matter of days.'

[15:53:10] Talindra told you 'They rise and march home to rest and come back to 
fight for the Castle.'

[15:53:49] Talindra told you 'Ah, but have you ever met another Guardian healer?
[15:53:51] You told Talindra 'It is not one or two, it is over 1500 crusaders ea
ch wave. Your mind is not so powerful. You might save a couple dozen at best. Th
at leaves tens of thousands going into the Gateway.'

[15:54:53] Talindra told you 'Yes perhaps in my younger days sure... not now tha
t I have risen to a level of enlightenment that you shall never achieve.'

[15:54:54] You told Talindra 'So you are saying that your mind is more powerful 
than any of the Gods of light, sounds a bit blasphemous to me.'

[15:55:30] Talindra told you 'You think that is a task to powerful for the God o
f Light?'

[15:56:05] You told Talindra 'Are you saying your gods allow these mortals to fa
ll into the Gateway without a healer around, when they could prevent it without 
any effort?'

[15:57:31] You told Talindra 'Ahh the silence says it all.'

[15:57:37] Talindra told you 'I do not speak for the Gods, they are on a higher 
plain then myself.'

[15:57:54] You told Talindra 'Or lies spread from your lips like honey from a be
ars pot.'

[15:58:25] You told Talindra 'Is this like the Southern Road being held by Knigh
ts alone for thousands of years because of you?'

[15:58:27] Talindra told you 'You think you are on the same plain as the Gods?  
Foolish gnatt... ha!'

[15:59:04] Talindra told you 'I would watch my tough speaking like that... you c
ompare yourself to the immortals... wow...'

[15:59:07] You told Talindra 'I am no where near as powerful as a God. Don't wan
t to be... would be boring. I want plunder and wealth beyond imagine!'

[15:59:38] Talindra told you 'Ah yes back track your words like the coward you a
re... kt all makes sense now.'

[15:59:56] You told Talindra 'By calling your lie on holding the Southern road is 
putting myself on the level of immortals? Ha! Your ego is bigger than your rump!'

Talindra tells you 'Is it your ears or your eyes that you have trouble with?'

[16:00:20] You told Talindra 'I am not a healer, I do not speak to do what the G
ods themselves cannot do.'

[16:00:23] Talindra told you 'Oh we will take the Southern road back in time...'

[16:01:34] You told Talindra 'You are the one claiming to resurrect tens of thou
sands in a matter of days, yes?'

[16:01:59] Talindra told you 'The only corpses here are those of Demons... '

[16:02:23] You told Talindra 'Because the others were devoured by vultures. Haha

[16:02:30] Talindra told you 'I saw my crusaders rise and drop their old armor a
nd march off to the castle.'

[16:02:52] You told Talindra 'Ohh, you watched them become undead and just stood
 by... how pitiful.'

[16:03:50] Talindra told you 'Ha... you have never seen the power of a healer eh

[16:03:51] You told Talindra 'You mix lies with proclomations of being so powerf
ul as to ressurect countless dead.'

[16:04:20] You told Talindra 'I have seen a healer run without what we know of a
s mana. You claim to have an unlimited source?'

[16:05:00] Talindra told you 'Not unlimited but im sure more then you can fathom
, and my mind heals very quickly.'

[16:05:31] You told Talindra 'Heals do not stop death, especially in the face of
 a Gateway that pulls the soul.'

[16:05:44] Talindra told you 'Oh but it does.'

[16:06:14] You told Talindra 'Your lies are bottomless, what happened to the cod
es of the Castle and truth bound?'

[16:06:36] You told Talindra 'Is it so hard to admit that you simply enjoy watch
ing thousands of Crusaders die?'

[16:06:52] Talindra told you 'I have only spoken the truth... It is you whose mi
nd is warped.'

[16:07:30] You told Talindra 'Now now, I am not claiming to do what the Gods the
mselves cannot do.'

[16:07:53] Talindra told you 'Again, death does come for us all... just not toda
y, and never for my Crusaders.'

[16:08:19] You told Talindra 'The blood of Garas upon my dagger says you do not 
save all Crusaders.'

[16:08:29] Talindra told you 'I find it funny that you believe the Gods have lim

[16:08:32] You told Talindra 'I am but one, the Horde is countless.'

[16:09:08] Talindra told you 'I know nothing of this name or your so called bloo
dy dagger.'

[16:09:29] You told Talindra 'If they had no limitions, explain why they do not 
stop the undead and gateways from running the world. Their power is boundless.'

[16:10:12] Talindra told you 'Again, I am sure they have their reasons, I do not
 pretend to know what a God thinks.'

[16:10:41] You told Talindra 'You mean you intentionally pull blinders over your
 eyes so you may speak falsely without remorse?'

[16:11:20] Talindra told you 'No, I do not consider myself a God, and I am sure 
they each have their own reasons for what they do or do not do.'

[16:12:00] You told Talindra 'Ohh, I am certain they allow the Continuum and the
 Nexus to flourish for a good reason. I mean why else would they allow souls to 
be devoured right?'

[16:13:01] Talindra told you 'I have no clue why they allow it to exist, but I a
m sure there is a reason... a balance of light and dark?  Perhaps...'

[16:13:53] You told Talindra 'Ahh, so there must be death to be a balance... yet
 you claim to resurrect countless thousands and disrupt that balance?'

[16:15:50] Talindra told you 'It is not my job to create balance, it is my job t
o protect life... and I am very good at it.'

[16:17:08] You told Talindra 'You are delusional. Consumate of the mad cow disea
se I declare!'

[16:18:17] Talindra told you 'Hum... strange disease... I have never heard of th
is... you sure thst is something of this realm?'

[16:19:06] You told Talindra 'Indeed, have you never read history on how the Min
otaurs went mad... har you are beret of education as well.'

[16:19:46] Talindra told you 'I have not, please point that tome out to me.'

[16:20:50] You told Talindra 'Ahh well, perhaps one day you will read of the Lun
ar Triad and the mad king Minaus who fell into the Chaos.'

[16:21:21] Talindra told you 'I look forward to it... what book is that?'

[16:30:05] You told Talindra 'Ahh, the suffering is so wonderful, makes you feel
 alive doesn't it?!'

[16:30:39] Talindra told you 'I see no suffering...'

[16:31:10] Talindra told you 'Did you find that book?'

[16:31:11] You told Talindra 'Oh you are blind to suffering too, I get it.'

[16:31:54] Talindra told you 'No, I here, I hear a fiddle being played from the 
tavern... sounds like a good time.'

[16:32:04] Talindra told you 'No suffering anywhere.'

[16:32:37] You told Talindra 'Oh, those who you supposedly resurrect just flop d
ead without any pain... jee jaw your brilliant.'

[16:33:07] Talindra told you 'Ah yes, it is Ulmelr and his fiddle...'

[16:33:46] You told Talindra 'I believe insanity has come with age elf.'

[16:33:56] Talindra told you 'Pain is trivial... they spring back to life with a
 glow and a warmth that most never experience.'

[16:34:27] You told Talindra 'That moment between is called suffering, regardles
s of how you delude yourself.'

[16:34:57] Talindra told you 'I have met som insane ones in my day.... mostly fr
om your tower.'

[16:35:18] You told Talindra 'You mistake me for a Savant? Ha!'

[16:35:53] You told Talindra 'I reside in a Fortress, not a little tower.'

[16:35:54] Talindra told you 'No I have much more respect for them... what your 
hole in the ground you call a drark castle...'

[16:36:15] Talindra told you 'A fortress... ha... not much of one...'

[16:36:25] You told Talindra 'Come test it's walls then.'

[16:36:51] Talindra told you 'Oh you dont want me to do that.'

[16:55:58] Talindra told you 'Did you find that book yet?'

[16:56:08] You told Talindra 'I did.'

[16:56:45] Talindra told you 'Wonderful, I would very muchike to read it, what i
s its number I will go to the great Library now.'

[16:57:13] You told Talindra 'Find it yourself you or you that lazy?'

[16:58:34] Talindra told you 'Nver have I been lazy, just assuming since I have 
read most of the great books and have never seen that one... it may exist only i
n your delusions?'

[16:59:21] You told Talindra 'Yar, you keep believing that just like you believe
 there is no suffering in death and that you can resurrect tens of thousands of 
Crusaders in a day.'

[17:00:01] Talindra told you 'I beleive what I see with my eyes...'

[17:00:10] You told Talindra 'Keep believing yer' gods of Light allow the Contin
uum and the Gateways for a good reason. Har har!'

[17:00:38] You told Talindra 'So ye' seen your god before you believed in them e

[17:01:36] Talindra told you 'I speak to my God every day, but know I knew from 
the moment I took my fist breath that he existed.'

[17:02:03] You told Talindra 'So ye' see with your breath? Must be awful in the 

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