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No halfling blademasters, no evil clerics of any race, no ogre anythings, especially an ogre ranger. Hrmm...I'd say...a...something avian. An avian...battlemage or DK. In...tribunal. I'm of the opinion that Tribunal almost always needs help ever since Marty left.

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Want some real fun? I was thinking of doing this but I figure I'll pass along the idea. Try and roleplay a thief or a ninja Tribunal. How you come to that point is up to you, I had my RP all worked out, it was quite interesting, but one of my last chars was a ninja, and I think I need a break from stealthers.

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I once got . I thought it was hilarious. Until it killed me. :P

And I still stand firmly by my view that coming up with a strong combo first can yield just as good RP results as if you came up with the character concept first, providing you put the time into coming up with your character concept. I think the reason that a lot of people think it's better to come up RP first is that it's easier to just roll a powerhouse and come up with some basic RP and just slaughter. But that's not to say that's how things have to go when you come up with a combo first. IMO it's not the order inwhich you come up with your character concept, but the time/effort you put into your idea, that makes the difference.

But anyway, without further ado:

Knight Slith Blademaster Avatar - Sounds nasty on paper.

Ogre Invoker - Just for chuckles. ;)

Any Psionicist, Knight - Heck, doesn't matter, any Knight would do. If you have the determination to stick it out in Knight for a couple of weeks I can guarantee you will have Hope clan filling up in their thousands...er...well..maybe not that many..

Any Nexus Zerk - Would be interesting to see.

Any good-aligned Savant/WM. Would make a pleasant change.


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I had a pinn avian ninja Trib' date=' I suck with ninjas and this was my first to pinn anyway and I spent more time re-equipping then i did capturing. His RP was fun I just don't like Ninja's that much.[/quote']

That's because being lawful nearly destroys the assassination part of playing a ninja.

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Knight - Heck' date=' doesn't matter, any Knight would do. If you have the determination to stick it out in Knight for a couple of weeks I can guarantee you will have Hope clan filling up in their thousands...er...well..maybe not that many..[/quote']

I got one coming, no worries. ^_~

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