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I got carnifexed in Central Commons of Rheydin by Malchaeius with Samaet not too long ago, I have the log. A minotaur got the Carni in Rheydin CC almost straight after I died from it too. It's still running smoothly. Although that same Minotaur did say,

"Hey, when he dies can I take his stuff please?"



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Just gonna say one thing about assassins and monks based off of AD+D. Monks are IN AD+D, so thinking they don't belong is kinda silly. Especially since they are deff NOT a mix of paladin/bard. This arguement is so contradicted by every point that has been given.

As for ninjas, well I hate everything one hit kill. Especially with falconeye or death kiss now, it's just too easy.

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the only thing i see needed for ninja's is to no longer call them ninja's, but assassins. and get rid of the cheesy titles. that's it really. as much as i hate ninjas and theives in the back of my mind i know they keep people from being too lazy. and theives are a blast anyway. by the way, anyone notice that there really hasnt been an assassinating terror in a long long time. that's how hard it is to do. i mean someone assassinating at their whim in a tetsunai fashion. the only thing i regret about the rogues is that they keep people from congregating in cities and RPing. guess it's a necessary evil.

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How about?

When I see you have one character with triple digit PKs' date=' you'll have room to talk. :D[/quote']

...Lethor Lightbringer that name ring a bell Crypt?....rofl...even though that guy owned you the one thing that stands out in my mind is the time u killed him then met him at his temple and gave him his heart..that was a classic..:rolleyes:

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Lethor Lightbringer that name ring a bell Crypt?

Gods, does it. One of the only people I know who actually leveled off of PKilling. Of course, I don't count those kills as "classy". His idea of being a PK monster was sitting in a level 35 niche range, camping out in Emerald Forest in the "secret", and summon killing everyone who tried to rank.

And yes, it felt good to whack him and give him his heart. It felt very good. :D

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Ninjas changed to assassin? Don't we have enough asses there already?

And Pali, target knowing you're there doesn't always mean you can't get easy kill with ninja... ;)

I'm well aware of how to use ninjas effectively, thank you. ^_~

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