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I only started pking because people kept attacking me and talking crap, before I deleted I had 2 mob deaths and like 30 pks I think, but that was after 3 months. Don't worry guys I still ain't rolled up nothin yet. Still considering.

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All that being said, a 0-0 PK or negative PK ratio sort of underwhelms also, given the rather PK heavy requirements for vamps.

Still RP is the trump. I'm not impressed, as I've said before, watching a decked DK slaughter the mid 25-35 range.

Being stylish and creative will win you bonus points. Making me have to think to RP with you will impress me big time. A lot of what got Sirican vamped was that he had me backpedaling while we were RPing. (Not that he lacked in other areas, that's just what really impressed me.)

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