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My thoughts


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I dig the who "free" aspect. Quite honestly, if I was filthy rich...I doubt you'd see me playing as much as we do. But that's not really something I could make a call on, since I'm not and never have been. I'd certainly miss the community aspect, that's for sure.

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I think this quote sums up my feelings and is appropriate here:

"The end of a thing is better than its beginning, and a patient spirit is better than a proud spirit. Don't let your spirit rush to be angry, for anger abides in the heart of fools. Do not say, 'Why were the former days better than these?' for it is not wise of you to ask such things."

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....Crypt that was an excellent break down of Mud downward slide, something else that can be added to that is the rise of the Mud client and how they have evolved. People now make big use of triggers and scripts to do a lot of their actions. I remember back on AR when you could summon people to closed rooms or no exits to pk that people had triggers set to quaff a recall. It used to be fun to set there and run "have been summoned" on the auction channel and see the crowd appear in recall. One guy had a trigger set up to quit if he was summoned. One of the best Warlords that I had ever seen was Tenaka and he played on telenet.

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....Crypt that was an excellent break down of Mud downward slide' date=' something else that can be added to that is the rise of the Mud client and how they have evolved. People now make big use of triggers and scripts to do a lot of their actions. I remember back on AR when you could summon people to closed rooms or no exits to pk that people had triggers set to quaff a recall. It used to be fun to set there and run "have been summoned" on the auction channel and see the crowd appear in recall. One guy had a trigger set up to quit if he was summoned. One of the best Warlords that I had ever seen was Tenaka and he played on telenet.[/quote']

1. Bad usage of auction channel

2. Bad usage of triggers

3. Bad RP with quitting when summoned - if doing it constantly. Patient PKer (who also abuses OOC) could kill you anyways.

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Yeah, AR was kind of a haven for what I will simply call "odd behavior". FL has always been notoriously strict on rules, be it descriptions, trigger training, etc. AR was always far less strict, yet, strangely enough, I remember seeing some of the best (and worst) RP on AR ever.

I remember on AR seeing folks with all sorts of crazy ASCII art in their desc (hell, I even had some at times). I also remember configuring my triggers on a level 10 Warrior fighting in the dwarven daycare on AR and going to sleep, only to wake up the next day to have most of my combat skills mastered. I guess there were a lot of things that were done on AR that we wanted to make sure didn't happen on FL. At the same time, it definitely makes FL and AR two different games.

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