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How old Is Abrahan?


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Those are all well and good, but the top 5 list I want is those old characters who actually log on! How about the oldies you might actually see currently....I wonder if they got a birthday cake? No thank you for being a vet, puttin in the time, sweating...eating cheerios after consulting with a heart doctor....all that! Maybe their reward is bein a damn BAMF at the game, yeah, thats right.

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Those are all well and good' date=' but the top 5 list I want is those old characters who actually log on! How about the oldies you might actually see currently....I wonder if they got a birthday cake? No thank you for being a vet, puttin in the time, sweating...eating cheerios after consulting with a heart doctor....all that! Maybe their reward is bein a damn BAMF at the game, yeah, thats right.[/quote']

I"d like to know thi as well....just for kicks..

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I don't think so. Going from 1.0 to 2.0 was a pwipe if I remember correctly.

Checking creation dates, the oldest is:

Olom?!?! Hold your cards until the results are made official.

Though it appears that Olom has an earlier creation date than the other 4, he has a perk, something that didn't exist prior to 3.0, thus, he's moved to 4th on the list.

Final results:






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However, it is obviously much older, as we have some races that start out in the thousands age-wise, and it can be assumed they weren't the first or even nearly the first of their race.

It is as old as you want it to be. I personally consider it somewhere along the lines of civilization at least 30,000 years old, especially in the 'elder races' (elf, illithid). Tech advance was probably slowed or stopped completely due to magic, except for gnomes, which seem to be at an early western renaissance tech level.

Most other races seem to be at least the 1400's (plate armor, arbalests) and at least mid 1500's for the blademaster/ninja (which seem to be drawn from kensai and ninja roles from sengoku jidai japan).

But in reality, (or virtual reality in this case), tech in FL is drawn from all sorts of eras ranging from the stone age (stone club, thick hide) to futuristic star wars(or a long time ago, in a galaxy far away--hah) (efuzan's light sword)...so...FL is FL, and whatever you want it to be.

Edit: Missed a-g's post..sorry for repeat

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Celerity... just no. Agh, "as old as we want it to be"? How is someone supposed to make a feasible character history with something like that? Before we can make real character histories, we have to have a defined, universal WORLD history to fit everything in.

FL has a set, unchanging point of origin. I think it's up to the imms to tell us what that was.

As for role play, characters can believe in whatever origin theory they want (Creation, Big Bang, Chaos Engine, etc.), but that does not give them the freedom to just pop out of nothing and expect everyone else to go along with it. Like I said, there needs to be a defined, scientific history. Elves an Illithids came from somewhere at most... what, 3000 years ago.

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Remember something: In FL, belief shapes reality (this is part of the FL histories).

For example, in 'original' FL history, humans were actually, if I recall correctly, the first race, but because of their stories and legends and beliefs, other races sprung forth, shaped by this belief, such as the elves, who now became an 'Elder race', older than the humans by far...and yet, humans were still the first race. A classic example of how beliefs in the present, actually changed the history and the past, in FL.

So, to answer your question...there really isn't an answer :)

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"You don't need your characters family tree for the last ten generations..."

So how do we RP 3000 year-old creatures? I mean, stuff THAT old has to know about EVERYTHING pre-cataclysm, especially elves. In a case like that, knowing who your ancestors were/are might be extremely important.

Not only that, but 1000 years ago in game, people might have known what the origin of everything was, seeing that (to them), it was recent enough perhaps to remember, not to mention that whatever the origin belief was would be very common, if not universal. Everything before the Cataclysm was very organized and peaceful, which leads me to believe that everyone on the surface shared a religion in harmony. Unless all 1000/3000-year-old characters are senile, they'd have taken that knowledge to the present.

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To that, I have to say;

Remember something: In FL, belief shapes reality (this is part of the FL histories).

For example, in 'original' FL history, humans were actually, if I recall correctly, the first race, but because of their stories and legends and beliefs, other races sprung forth, shaped by this belief, such as the elves, who now became an 'Elder race', older than the humans by far...and yet, humans were still the first race. A classic example of how beliefs in the present, actually changed the history and the past, in FL.

So, to answer your question...there really isn't an answer :)

Make something up. It's not a big deal, and I highly doubt anyone is going to care.


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