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  • Implementor

Current member numbers (very probably come the new month):

Tribunal: 1

Savant: 1 (-2)

Wm: 1 (though not very active one)

Syndicate: 4

Nexus: 5

Knight: 5

Herald: 1-2

and to top it of...

Watcher: 8-9 (>>Tribunal :1 ) (Keep in mind a cabal can only have 9 mortals + 1 Imm so full)

So do NOT make a Watcher. ;) I'd say make a Tribunal as that is the most out of balance constellation. You'll have a very hard time though.

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I hadn't known there were so many watchers around, otherwise I wouldn't have chosen that for my new character. Is it a no-no to change clans in this case? I'm only rank thirty. If it is, I can wait out the current watchers, and just have some fun when I hit fifty.

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I hadn't known there were so many watchers around' date=' otherwise I wouldn't have chosen that for my new character. Is it a no-no to change clans in this case? I'm only rank thirty. If it is, I can wait out the current watchers, and just have some fun when I hit fifty.[/quote']

Please don't, cause there are others out there waiting for the watchers to leave so that they could join as well. my prime pin char is just waiting for them to leave and I can't do much while the cabal is full.

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  • Implementor

Clan hopping is generally frowned upon. That being said you won't have much trouble if you rp it right and switch before you hit 50. The earlier the better. At 50 it will be a lot harder to do. If you want to go Sacred Oak -> Battle, just talk to Athara, rp it out. (Or send her a note.)

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depends a bit what switch you make. Yewahntull (sp?) was WM first I think, at least battle, then went watcher.

Nortak was in battle, changed to despair, and became a nexus. and there must have been a lot more of it also.

everything depends on your char, most of all. why would he/she suddenly change clan? if the answer to that sounds like an excuse for the cabal being full, I would definitly say bad juju.

you could allways put your char on ice, make a WM wannabe, con-die, and come back at the watcher after.

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Yewahntul was battle, but having Luris(?) hound her for being a woman and not being able to battle made her leave. She was a very proud woman who thought thosse who will not fight with you, can not be fought for. She moved to the Law clan in hopes of some good battles fighting criminals and earning respect through might, but after watching a few times where law clan members and even tribunals at the time used multiple numbers to take down one foe, decided that would not suit her well. She was an honorable fighter, and stood her ground when it came to fighting someone one on one, even if it ment failure (which the tribunals son found out). She moved awhile later to the sacred oak, where she was judged for having been apart of many clans. She went through a phase of having to proove herself each and every turn, and that she did. Making it into the watchers, she fought both tribunals and warmaster to no end, she died doing what she loved, fighting an honorable fight against and honoarable foe whom respected her.

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