Chayesh Posted December 26, 2005 Report Share Posted December 26, 2005 Sorry guys, started logging a few seconds later. list [Lv Price Coin Qty] Item [30 10000 GO -- ] some finely cut opium [30 10000 GO -- ] some purified coca [15 5000 GO -- ] some greyish herbs Tamirenal says 'I just don't have the gold with me, unfortunately.' A Cartel Drug Dealer puts on a HUGE grin. 'But wait. There's even MORE!' Maneil says 'MORE?!!?!' Tamirenal chortles mischieviously. Maneil grins evilly. A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'For such special customers as you, we will offer your special, high quality GREYISH HERBS, at only TWENTY FIVE PERCENT COST!' A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'That's right, you heard me, SEVENTY FIVE PERCENT OFF!' Tamirenal says 'I'll take some. Definately.' Maneil nods in enthusiastic agreement with Tamirenal. Tamirenal says 'But...' Tamirenal says 'I'm a little slow with my math skills.' A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'All for just one low payment now, with NO monthly fees to worry about!' Tamirenal starts rummagging through his gold pouch. Maneil says 'I don't suppose you have talked to Hezel about offerring loans have you?' A Cartel Drug Dealer smiles warmly at Tamineral. 'No worries! We will do the math FOR you! Customer service is our specialty!' Tamirenal raises his head with a grin. Tamirenal says 'Good good, makes my head ache trying to do figures.' A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'Just imagine it! Fifty percent off, fifty percent off, then seventy five percent off!' A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'That's a grand total of ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY FIVE PERCENT OFF!' Maneil says 'That's hundred per......ohh..' A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'See? You are MAKING money off of this!' Maneil says 'I was way off.' Tamirenal chortles mischieviously. Maneil shakes his head violently, and his eyes clear up. Maneil says 'Ahh...what now?' Tamirenal says 'I thought you were the one supposed to make money, not us.' A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'If you don't have money now, no problem! Our customers are so important to us, we'll wait here for you to retrieve it!' A Cartel Drug Dealer beams at Tamirenal. A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'We care enough about you that we give you bargains like that.' Tamirenal mutters 'Let's see, fifty percent is twenty five hundred...minus another twenty five percent.....' A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'We are practically BEGGING you to take money off of your pocket!' Tamirenal holds his head in both hands. Maneil looks around as if he just woke up from a dream. Tamirenal says 'Hmmm. If you'll stand right here, I'll run to the bank. It won't take me long at all.' A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'Here, have a complimentary offer!' You give neon green leaves herb to Maneil. Tamirenal looks around and whistles innocently. Maneil says 'What? Where am I?' Tamirenal lights neon green leaves herb and smokes it. A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'You'll know as soon as you smoke it! On the house!' Maneil says 'Last I remember I was sitting in the castle...' Tamirenal peers intently at Maneil. Maneil rubs his temples. A Cartel Drug Dealer says frantically, 'Here, also have a free offering!' Maneil says 'Such a headache...' Tamirenal says 'You really need to smoke that if that last thing you remember was being at the Castle.' Maneil lights neon green leaves herb and smokes it. Tamirenal chortles mischieviously. Maneil lights some dark black leaves and smokes it. Maneil says 'Ahhhhhhhhhhh............' A Cartel Drug Dealer lets out a half-sigh of relief. 'Now, sir.' A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'Run along to the bank now.' Maneil looks around very satisfied. Tamirenal says 'Allow me an hour or three good sir, and I'll run to the bank.' A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'Hurry! If you buy within the next twenty four hours...' A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'There will be a SPECIAL SURPRISE GIFT!' Maneil looks around with a goofy grin. A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'Would you like to buy some of our specially discounted herbs too?' A Cartel Drug Dealer nods at Maneil. Maneil looks up into the sky. A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'It is at ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY FIVE PERCENT OFF!' Maneil yells 'What?! Your selling drugs?!' Maneil gasps in astonishment. A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'At LESS than cost!' Maneil says 'Ohh....right...shhhhhh...' Maneil says 'Sorry.' A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'In fact, let my magic take you directly to the bank!' Hezel's Financing A Cartel Drug Dealer arrives from a puff of smoke. You have transferred a Cartel Drug Dealer. Maneil arrives from a puff of smoke. You have transferred Maneil. Maneil says 'Hezel! You old fool.' A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'Withdraw as much money as you want, to take special advantage of our LOW, LOW introductory offer!' Maneil says 'Don't you dare mis count my gold again, or I'm moving banks.' A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'And remember! Buy now within the next twenty four hours, and you get a SPECIAL SURPRISE GIFT!' A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'Just tell us when you have the gold, and we'll bring you back.' Maneil agrees absolutely. Maneil nods. Maneil disappears in a mushroom cloud. You have untransferred Maneil. A Cartel Drug Dealer disappears in a mushroom cloud. You have untransferred a Cartel Drug Dealer. where [NEXUS] controlled. Players near you: Maneil A grass covered plateau Tamirenal Lower elevations A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'Congratulations! You made it in time to receive our special SURPRISE GIFT, both of you!' Tamirenal says 'Well, I've got lots of loot and I'm really in need.' A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'How many of our SPECIALLY discounted 50% off herbs would you like?' Maneil says 'Lay the good stuff on me.' Tamirenal says 'Five opiums and two cocoas for me if you please.' A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'Lay the LOW, LOW amount of money on me!' Maneil says 'What?!' Tamirenal jingles the leather purse hanging at his side. Maneil says 'Man...and I thought I was an addict...' Tamirenal blushes. A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'That is...seventy thousand gold!' Tamirenal says 'Seventy....' A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'Just check my listing, and buy it.' Tamirenal says 'Your math is worse than mine.' [Lv Price Coin Qty] Item [30 10000 GO -- ] some finely cut opium [30 10000 GO -- ] some purified coca [15 5000 GO -- ] some greyish herbs Vnum:15063 The Great Chasm: Vnum:15063 The Great Chasm: Tamirenal says 'You said half off, now you're trying to swindle me.' A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'Yes! Half off!' Maneil falls over and looks at the sky. A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'Our normal price is TWENTY thousand, but today, it is only TEN thousand! Just for you!' You have forced people to do stuff. Tamirenal sighs. A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'Just buy it normally as you would.' Tamirenal buys some finely cut opium. Tamirenal buys some finely cut opium. Tamirenal buys some finely cut opium. Tamirenal buys some finely cut opium. Tamirenal buys some purified coca. Tamirenal buys some greyish herbs. Tamirenal beams broadly at nothing in particular. A Cartel Drug Dealer beams broadly at nothing in particular. A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'CONGRATULATIONS! And here is your special BONUS gift!' Tamirenal clutches his stash close to his chest. Maneil says 'I want some....' Tamirenal peers intently at Maneil. A Cartel Drug Dealer gives Tamirenal some gold. (1 piece) Maneil buys some finely cut opium. Maneil buys some greyish herbs. Tamirenal chortles mischieviously. Tamirenal faints. Maneil lights some greyish herbs and smokes it. Tamirenal sits down and rests. A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'CONGRATULATIONS! You, too, earn a special, SPECIAL novelty gift!' A Cartel Drug Dealer gives Maneil some gold. (1 piece) A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'FREE MONEY!' Tamirenal throws back his head and cackles with insane glee! Maneil looks around smiling at the....grass. Tamirenal says 'Nothing better than FREE MONEY!' A Cartel Drug Dealer waves his hands wildly. 'We're taking money out of our pockets, and giving it STRAIGHT TO YOU!' Maneil lays down in the grass, rolling around. Tamirenal starts to giggle at Maneil. A Cartel Drug Dealer takes two catalogues from his breastplate, then hands them to Maneil and Tamirenal. 'There are our fall catalogues! Remember!' Tamirenal clutches at his ribs as his sides start to ache. A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'There is NOTHING like our special FALL HOMEMAKER SET!' Tamirenal says 'Ooooohhhh.' Tamirenal says 'Homewrecker set?' Maneil stands up. A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'Opium for the ENTIRE family, at a fraction of our normal cost!' Maneil snickers softly. Tamirenal starts thumbing through the catalouge. Tamirenal gasps in astonishment. Maneil says 'Heh...heh...heh...' Maneil says 'Watch this....' A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'At ten thousand gold, it is NINETY PERCENT OFF of our normal winter price of a hundred thousand per cut!' A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'The BEST thing to give someone you truly love, for the holidays; pure, artificial joy.' Maneil sits down crossleged, holds his arms out in frount of him, making a small 'O' with his index and thumb. Tamirenal says 'And this is still prime stuff right? No....additives.' Maneil says 'Buddah buddah buddah buddah buddah.' Maneil falls down laughing. Tamirenal gets a blank stare on his face. A Cartel Drug Dealer mumbles quickly, 'Yourdefinitionofjoymaybedifferentfromours. Maycontainadditives,causeseizures,strokes,heartattacks,anddeath. Wearenotresponsibleforanyandallsideeffects.' Tamirenal shakes his head in dismay. A Cartel Drug Dealer says in his normal voice, 'ABSOLUTELY NO ADDITIVES! A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'Absolutely ZERO additives!' Tamirenal digs a little finger into his ear. Tamirenal looks up and says 'What was that, didn't quite catch all of it you were talking so fast.' A Cartel Drug Dealer mumbles beneath his breath unintelligibly, 'Yourdefinitionofadditivesmaybedifferentfromours. Whenwesayadditives,wereferonlytoactualprimegradedrugadditives,andnotash,wheat,grain,orcereal.' A Cartel Drug Dealer says brightly, 'NOTHING! Just thinking to myself about all the WONDERFUL people we are selling to!' Maneil starts laughing at himself. A Cartel Drug Dealer beams a smile at Maneil. Maneil says '!' Maneil sits down and begins to meditate. Tamirenal drools down as his chin as the giggles erupt into gales of laughter. Maneil stops meditating and stands up. Maneil yells 'Buddah buddah buddah!' Maneil falls down laughing. A Cartel Drug Dealer must like Maneil a great deal to beam at him so broadly! A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'Yes...Buddah buddha! It's even FUNNIER for the entire FAMILY!' Tamirenal falls to the ground and rolls around laughing hysterically. Maneil nods in enthusiastic agreement with a Cartel Drug Dealer. A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'Act now, and it costs only TEN THOUSAND gold! With a SPECIAL GIFT of FREE MONEY! For the ENTIRE FAMILY!' Tamirenal says 'More money for the whole family...?' A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'MORE MONEY FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY!' Tamirenal says 'I'll have to borrow the caravan from Rheydin to get all my cousins....wait cousins included too?' A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'Also, if you buy at our normal price of fifty thousand a piece, for every single one you buy, I can give you FOUR FREE! FOUR!!!!!' A Cartel Drug Dealer nods. A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'EVERYBODY!' Tamirenal rubs his hands together in greedy anticipation. Tamirenal yells 'EVERYBODY!' Tamirenal dances wildly before you! A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'I'll wait for you ANOTHER DAY!' Maneil says 'Mmmmmmm...' Tamirenal gets a blank stare at his face as he pulls a tiny peice of parchment from his gold pouch. A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'Let me use my special seasonal holiday magic to take you RIGHT to the bank!' Hezel's Financing The room is dark and somber in its outlook. A number of dusty, unused ledgers line impressive bookcases on its walls and a massive desk dominates the far corner. A single stool designed to inflict upon its user maximum amount of discomfort is positioned before it, facing what must be the owner of this establishment. The logo of the Syndicate is proudly imprinted on most of the ledgers, as well as hanging from a banner that is placed on the east wall. It seems that the owner of the bank has taken the opportunity of the Syndicate occupation to work as the official book-keeper of all of the money made. [Exits: east] Tamirenal is resting here. A Cartel Drug Dealer slinks around, offering his product. A seagull wheels overhead here. Hezel is here, her eyes dark and predatory. A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'Act now, and make money for your ENTIRE family!' Tamirenal says 'Fifty thousand....' Hezel says 'You look like you could use some gold hmm?' A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'For five people? That's FIVE people who are getting FREE MONEY!' Tamirenal says 'MINE!' Tamirenal buys some finely cut opium. Tamirenal buys some finely cut opium. Tamirenal buys some finely cut opium. Tamirenal buys some finely cut opium. A grass covered plateau The tundra flatlands end here, on a small plateau. This could very well be a groomed King's playing field for the lush, short grass here. The plateau extends for some distance, and it perfectly flat and devoid of any rocks or shrubs. Warm sun bathes the plateau, and the fresh dew glistens on your boots as you walk. A small path leads northward, into a stand of trees. It looks very heavily traveled. [Exits: north east west] Tamirenal the Master of War is here, sitting astride a warhorse. A Cartel Drug Dealer slinks around, offering his product. Maneil the Grand Master of Seasons is here. Tamirenal mutters something quietly to himself. A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'Well, gentlemen!' A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'I'm afraid our HOLIDAY SPECIAL is over.' Maneil nods. Tamirenal says 'Now where were we....I think I bought four and one more makes enough for Mom and Dad....' Tamirenal pouts. A Cartel Drug Dealer says 'See you next year! And remember! Fun for the WHOLE FAMILY! There is NO better way to show love, than the Syndicate Special!' Tamirenal flops down on the ground. A Cartel Drug Dealer disappears in a mushroom cloud. You have untransferred a Cartel Drug Dealer. Tamirenal chortles mischieviously. Maneil shrugs helplessly. Tamirenal says 'Wish I wasn't addicted to these things.' Tamirenal sighs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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