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Many many posts are made on this forum alleging how the IMMs should be more visible and RP more. Granted I am not always the most visible IMM around, but I would think that would make it more of a choice moment when I appear. Yet, this evening, I was simply visible and sitting in Rheydin's Central Commons. No less than 6 people saw me there. Two left after I began speaking with them. Another ran through without stopping. Two others appeared, stopped to bow, etc. and then left. I was thinking...WTH? :mad:

Props to Serokir (don't reveal your character) for sticking around to RP and play a few rounds of dice. I had a more inventive game to move on to, but you had to split.

I would love to RP more with the players, but, damn, it's a two way street, gang. Look at it this way...even if you have something you really need to do, or you really need to rank, RP is what fuels the world. For example, I now know at least two things about Serokir I would never have known before and guess what...his name is in the forefront of my mind now. See how that works?

Some of you understand this concept, others don't, still others don't care one way or the other. My point is, with all the posts alleging how the IMMs need to be around to RP more, if you see one, you might want to jump at the chance.

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Cmon now Chayesh, how can you imagine someone with good gear to chill with you in the center of town with the amount of ninjas running around nowadays?

EDIT: Were you visible on the who list? I would've definitely sent you a tell if so, if you were I must've missed it, damned school crap!

2nd Edit: I do agree though, that if ya did that, no one has crap to talk since you did make yourself available and put yourself in the fun zone for many people.

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Where these pinns who ran past you? Or just plain noobs? Why don't you ever come on during the day? I am always on in the mornings dam you! :mad: The only Imms I saw yesterday was khaede which unfortunately had nothing to do with my charcter. Oh well, maybe try going on at random points during the mornings, day, and night to catch the more rp willing characters out there.;)

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Some of you understand this concept' date=' others don't, still others don't care one way or the other. My point is, with all the posts alleging how the IMMs need to be around to RP more, if you see one, you might want to jump at the chance.[/quote']

Wait a minute, you're telling me that you imms have been telling the truth all along about RPing with people and in general 'doing your jobs' and the loud mouthed people that cry about the oppisite are wrong? That it's possible that it could just be everyone else, and not the select few who seem to have problems?

Too that, I say you sire are a liar, good day to you...


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Questioner: RPing with ANY IMM is a good idea. We do speak to each other and ask for input on characters from them. Also, rank is meaningless for the most part to me. Garint RP'd with me and Kaauld when he was below rank 10 and I decided then and there that I'd approve his undead app if he ever sent one just because he made me go "Huh?" with what he was dealing out.

Designated Driver: Shuuuunnnn, shuuuuuuuuuunnnnnn.....

WC: LMAO...I love you, man.

Dale: I agree. I'm lucky you weren't on also.

The player of Serokir, no disrespect intended, didn't do or say anything earth shattering, however, he didn't need to and it wasn't called for at the time. I DID however learn some facts about his RP and his character's back story. Also, as I said before, I now "know" his name. This doesn't mean he's shoe-in for any app he sends, BUT, it does mean I won't be scratching my head wondering what he's about either.

With so many people of late asking for help with how to go about qraces, qclasses, cabals, and the like, take this advice. When you see an IMM, RPP your *** off. You don't need to be over the top, you don't need to be the world champion RPer, but do SOMETHING.

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maybe Q meant he had no in-char reason to speak to khaede. an imm available is not a reason to step out of your RP.

Of course not, however, it never hurts to think of a way to bring them in.

I've RPed with all different classes, even classes like healers and such who'd have no use for RPing with me. or so I thought at the time, but they made it work.

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I think some of the players might be a little intimidated by the imms. Imms are people too, and they can get scared. I was never an immortal when Martineius was around, but I was still afraid to RP with him. I'm sure he scared some immortals too.

Just let loose. RP is like improv'. You just can't say no. :)

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Actually thenewguy is right. The only reason i did not speak with him is because it isn't even remotely right for me to speak with the lord of greed. But if it were maybe belegriel I would have...somehow rped with him because he is kinda who I need to speak with.

I love rping with all of the IMMs as they love to rp right back, even though their natures aren't all that are desired for.;)

Well most of them anyway.

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RP'd with him all the time with Pominsu. Had to keep up and stand on my tip toes, but it was worth it.

Also, I RP'd with both my healers, Pesomuvae and Crisnae, with Chayesh. There is definately a great RP reason to RP with the God of Death, especially if your RP is to stop death altogether.

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Hate to admit it but I was one whom ran past did a kneel and ran of, should have made the effort to spark some rp but I thought you were there telling someone of :D also ive learnt its harmful to sit around the centre of town for too long. And you are right I actually thought the lands were fairly quite and no imm was about then it was a bit of a shock to see you in centre of town, had to log of my multying character quick time, only joking. Think I was probabaly tired or something cause now i really regret the missed chance.

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damnit Chayesh, by now you should know that the only safe place to RP with IMMs is in the middle of desolation. Next to frostmaw if possible. That way we all know we are safe and can stop and chat for hours whist fighting our way through any number of things, hoping you dont get the satisfaction of picking from our corpses :P

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I don't know about anyone else, but if I saw an Imm talking with someone in the commons...and I had the power to assassinate the person. I would most likely avoid the attempt at the moment. First of all, it's in the presence of an Imm. I respect people who hang around with Gods, wouldn't you? Secondly, isn't it possible the Imm would say something to you if the Imm liked the guy you just struck dead? And finally, while it might be slightly RP-breach, I'd find a reason not to kill the person because it IS rare for an opportunity to RP with the Imms because they have lives, too. I respect the attempts people make at RP, I would reward it if possible. I would rarely attempt to stop someone's chance to strut their RP. Yeah, if I have a vendetta or they did something, that will change. But a random person like usual? Nah, I'll pass and get you later if I feel I need to. The Imms are a rare commodity, if you got lucky and have their attention, I won't try to take that from you.

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I always like RPing with imms who are of a different alignment. It makes it more entertaining. I mean, what can a healer really say to Yeralon??? I ran into her and was stuck for words and Yeralon wasn't coming up with much either. It was very awkward.

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Chay you heartless bastard! I've been wanting a piece of big daddy chay for awhile now. Ah, well. I'll try to be a bit more active, but its hard these days.

All you kids that passed Chay without a word. You suck! I've been wanting that chance for a very long time now.

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Chay you heartless bastard! I've been wanting a piece of big daddy chay for awhile now. Ah, well. I'll try to be a bit more active, but its hard these days.

All you kids that passed Chay without a word. You suck! I've been wanting that chance for a very long time now.

Let's go to his house and jump him.

Granted, I'll let you have the piece of "big daddy", and then we'll force him to log onto FL so he can RP with me.;)

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