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Grober put to rest.


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I am stopping playing Grober now. My worst performance with a warrior so far.

Life as an outlaw is simply imposible as a melee fighter in fl. The new adjudicator skill compbined with Councils' having an old justice skill that now works on outlaws too is simply too much.

Furthermore Ill take a short break from fl (problably not long as usual) as I grow tired of seeing how the best players always seem to end up as 'friends' in game - even though theyre good or evil and got cabals that rp-wise shouldve been in vendetta.

I tried taking on tribunals - as they were beeing led by two evils, but not one single person aided of 10 hope and a bunch of knights - furthermore I got thrown out of hope leaving me kind of nowhere. I must admit I found Raargants leading of knights very odd but alright.

Ill most likely start later but with a surviveable class cause youre screwed beyond comparison as a dk, war or zerk now if you get wanted/outlawed.

Cheers to all who made the past month fun. Toodles.

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Keeping my own feelings as timid as possible all I can say, Grober, is I feel for you, alot of the stuff going on amongst some of the players at 50 is pretty lame, especially when all those people who should be your allies in fighting the darkness just sit there and have tea&crumpets with them and get rewarded seemingly. Anyhow, wish you could've stuck it out, I got a feeling somebody is going down rather soon.

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I havent seen many knights on these days, but when I was playing Jekyr, the wanna be evil monk tribunal, all the goods who were affiliated would laugh at my attempts of lawful upkeep, they would say the same thing "We await our true king to unite the three cities! Your laws mean nothing to us." so maybe Lord M is their king? (hope im not ruining any surprise rp plots.) But this is a microcosm of life, and in life people are ruled by fear. A small percentage hold true and defy it, and many those succeed and many die, the bulk just wait on the fence and follow whoever wins.

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Ha ha ha. Every post in reply to me you ask me 'not to talk about what I don't know.'

Well, for your information, I spoke to Martineius on several occasions, and apparently that was -not- the case. Thank you.

BUT, it is however possible that we may be talking about different situations, which I believe is unlikely, since I've been told that you've only killed him once.

Though, that aside, Iyorvin told us why you were demoted. Freeing treehuggers, while in hope, and having the Knights battle them for the cities back is.. well, as found by Raargant, a demotable offense. Oh well, better luck next time.

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You got demoted for killing a vampire? That's curious. I don't remember demoting anyone for killing a vampire....

I DO remember, though, demoting someone for freeing three Watchers that were about to be executed. As a Knight hopeful. Kinda remember what happened to Val Miran, yes?

I don't remember expelling anyone for killing vampires either...

Oh. That's right. I DO remember expelling someone, however, for, say....a note like this.

"I will consider this as high treason, and WILL kill [Nasetuit] on sight. This goes

to Maneil as well as I consider you to for beeing lost and out of reach.

- Grober."

I'm sorry. You send a note to all Hope and Knight, TELLING them that you are going to KILL the LEADER of Knight, and another Knight, ON SIGHT. For telling you that breaking free Watchers is bad.

Good vs good debate is fine. Good vs good verbal fighting is fine. Heck, even, at times, good vs good PK based on specific cabal situations, is plausible, although definitely not recommended. But when you tell everyone, as a goodie, you are going to kill, on sight, the LEADER of the clan and cabal you are in/want in...what in the world do you expect besides getting kicked out of the clan. Hugs and kisses, and adoring fans saying, "Awwww, that's so brave that he's willing to kill the Knight Leader!" :P

Minus breaking free Watchers, and minus threatening to murder other goodies/Knights, and you would've had a good char that probably would've went Knight. Maybe could've had some fun RP with some intra-Castle factions being built, one more warlike, the other less; that's what I was hoping for, something like a real-RP reenactment of the splits in goody philosophy that led to the formation of the Praetorian and Sigil factions to begin with.. You chose instead to go berserk on the other goodies. You paid for it.

You did stupid things, you made stupid threats, you got stupid results. From the perspective of the strange Knight IMM who does strange things, those are the strange reasons he had; Grober threatening to murder his Knights, and the Knight L.

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Yeah well. Youre assuming a lot of things.

First off I havent seen any watcher action against Val Miran. Second all knights and people in hope ran around telling that they had orders from you not to attack tribunals - thats really not very encouraging to actually start something as I was the only one who fought when Dyendas stopped.

I dont see them as stupid but I did follow my chars deity and went on the crusade alone - it might have been suicidal but hey. Frankly I found very little encouragement in me getting demoted the first time - there was no discussion at all about the fact that the watchers were the only one fighting the tribunals and by freeing them knights/hope might actually have had a chance against Tribunal - nono just a demotion - based on the note from the vampire. That lead me to send that note from which you quoted - and I believe that what Grober did ig at that time was at its place - of course he had to be expelled at that time, but the damage was done a lot earlier.

edit: above had nothing to do with me stopped playing Grober and I actually thought it couldve been fun continuing that as I had a faint hope of getting avatared one day.

double edit: might as well give a few shoutouts to cheer this post up ;)

Dyendas - really strong, thanks for giving me a few tips. Gl with the char - a pity you did not choose my way ;)

Martini - awesome rp - u always seem to give your chars a nice edge.

Comaton - although you do not roam the lands anymore I thought you really did an amazing job. Top notch behavior in our meetings. A pleassure.

And that about it I spend most of my online time running - never did so much running as with this char.

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